Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hersheys Continued Use of Unethical Practices Forced...

| Forced Child Labor | Hershey’s Continued Use of Unethical Practices | | Jared Bevier | 2/16/2012 | Business Ethics Rasmussen College Winter Quarter | â€Å"Worldwide, 126 million children work in hazardous conditions, often enduring beatings, humiliation, and sexual violence by their employers.† (â€Å"Child Labor Facts†, 2011) Hershey’s Cocoa has been targeted by U.S. protestors, Global Exchange, Green America, The International Labor Rights Forum, and Oasis USA for failing to eliminate exploitative child labor from its cocoa production supply chain. The illegal use of child labor in chocolate production must stop. Chocolate produced by children is not only unethical it is a crime.†¦show more content†¦Hershey needs to practice more ethical behavior when it comes to choosing their suppliers. They need to implement checks and balances that ensure that children are not being used in the production of their products. On a societal level the issues that need to be addressed are the fact that child labor is illegal, the fact that it applies to a large number of people, and also that child labor eli cits norm violations in our society. Our constitution strongly prohibits child labor by mandating that children receive a proper education and the right to live as children. Moreover, it is a societal problem because our society rejects child labor, yet its condition persists. Children no matter where they live should not be exposed to the harshness and injustices in this world; children should be supported and not the ones supporting; children should be protected and children should be allowed the basic right to enjoy life. Hershey has been accused of â€Å"greewashing† the problem instead of trying to fix it. They need to take steps to ensure that child labor is not used in their supply chains. There are actions that Hershey can take to stop the use of child labor. One action that can be taken is that Hershey needs to make certain that their supply chain meets industry standards. They need to begin by tracing their supply chain back to the farm level, sourcing only from farmers who can show through independent verification thatShow MoreRelatedRogers Chocolate Analysis21131 Words   |  85 PagesTraditional Assortment | Dark Chocolate Empress Squares | After Dinner Mints Rogers Mint Imperials Assortment | | Baking Fondue ROGERS FAMOUS CHOCOLATE NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME-BAKING Those who love to bake, and bake well, will only use the finest ingredients in their recipes. Rogers new premium baking chocolate is the perfect addition to anyone s favorite recipe; whether it s a chocolate soufflà ©, classic chocolate chunk cookies, better caffe mocha or simply a cup of gourmet hotRead MoreAccounting 1-4 Chapter100452 Words   |  402 PagesDecision Toolkit Review Summary of Study Objectives Work Comprehensive Do it! p. 23 Answer Self-Test Questions Complete Assignments Go to WileyPLUS for practice and tutorials Read A Look at IFRS p. 42 study objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Describe the primary forms of business organization. 2 Identify the users and uses of accounting information. 3 Explain the three principal types of business activity. 4 Describe the content and purpose of each of the financial statements

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Great Gatsby Color Symbolism - 2467 Words

During the 1920’s, many people would disguise themselves through the identities of someone else. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main characters can be seen â€Å"hiding† behind the symbolism of different colors. Color affects the mood, emphasizes the importance of events in a novel, and can also interact with the personalities of the characters. The concept of color symbolism is prominent in the novel. White, yellow, blue, green, and even the color black affect the atmosphere of scenes through association with a specific mood, and also through the actions of the characters. The color white is associated with purity and innocence. Gatsby and Nick, the main male characters in the story, can be affiliated with this†¦show more content†¦When Gatsby was stopped by the police for speeding, he got out of it by â€Å"taking a white card from his wallet, and waving it before the man’s eyes† (Fitzgerald 68). This here shows how innocent Gatsby can be, just by using something white. When we turn our focus to Nick, we see that he believes that he himself in the most honest person he knows, and how he is usually dressed in white to symbolize his innocence. An important event in the novel is when Nick goes to Gatsby’s party for the first time, â€Å"Dressed up in white flannels, I went over to his lawn a little after seven† (Fitzgerald 47). Nick dressing in white symbolizes how he is immaculate, unlike the others at the party who could be labeled as corrupt. â€Å"White traditionally symbolizes purity, and there is no doubt that Fitzgerald wants to underscore the ironic disparity between the purity of the characters, and their actual corruption† (Schneider 146). The color yellow can be connected with the symbolism of greed, desire for wealth, and â€Å"old money†. Corruption is also distinctly represented by yellow, but death is also a key to yellows dark symbolism. The color yellow can be seen around a tragic death. The first time this is seen is when Myrtle is killed. She is the mistress of Tom, and is also married to a man named George Wilson. Myrtle was killed by Gatsby’s yellow Rolls Royce, in front of her yellow brick house, and under the yellow spectacled eyes of Dr.Show MoreRelatedColor Symbolism In The Great Gatsby802 Words   |  4 Pages In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, color symbolism is stronger throughout the entire book. There are multiple colors that allow the book to come together as a whole. There can be many different interpretations or opinions on which colo rs are important. The color symbolism in The Great Gatsby is represented by the colors green, gold, and black. Green is the color that begins the story. A man not known in the beginning, but surely known at end by the name of Jay Gatsby, reaching out to an â€Å"incorruptibleRead MoreColor Symbolism In The Great Gatsby737 Words   |  3 PagesColor express mood and stresses importance of events in a novel. In the Great Gatsby, the symbolism of color is a crucial one. Yellow, white, and green all affect the mood of this novel. Showing how the colors describe the person or thing both physically, and emotionally. The color white was first introduced when Nick meets Tom, and they both walk into this open room where Jordan and Daisy laid in white dresses. â€Å"They were both in white†¦ around the house†(8). The color white in connected to theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby- Color Symbolism2136 Words   |  9 PagesThe Power of Color Colors are used many different ways by many different people, but are used mainly as a reflection of the way one feels or his or her own personality. This idea is depicted through the different characters created in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, set in the post-World War I era. The novel evinces the major themes through the use and explanation of many diverse colors. Jay Gatsby, the most significant character in the story, leads a very materialistic lifestyle. HopingRead MoreEssay On Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby1048 Words   |  5 Pages Euphrates Sackey 9-21-17 English 1011 Z83 Professor Brosh Response to Driving to Destruction with the Rich and Careless at the Wheel Color-Symbolism in The Great Gatsby There is no understanding The Great Gatsby if you do not have at least a basic grasp of the main motifs that are present. Automobiles and colors are two main driving factors in F. Scott Fitzgeralds work and these two ideas work together as well. Many readers are so wowed by the vivid imagery included in this classic thatRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Symbolism Essay748 Words   |  3 PagesIn Fitzgerald’s â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, color symbolism is used throughout the entire book. There are many different colors that allow the book to come together as a whole. Although various, there are key colors that stand out in the book. There can be many different interpretations or opinions on which colors, but it can be represented by three key colors. The color symbolism in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† is represented by the colors green, gold, and black. The color green is the color that begins the storyRead MoreEssay On Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby994 Words   |  4 Pagescharacters and their stories. As a result, everything from the start to finish is set for a reason. A great example of this is Great Gatsby. F.Scott Fitzgerald named his characters to create subtle imagery to describe their personality and status. The name and color symbolism techniques he uses allow the audience to pick up and realize some hints to author’s message as they read. In Great Gatsby, there is only two types of women: the wealthy, upper-class East Egg and the lower-class Myrtle fromRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Imagery Symbolism Essay1166 Words   |  5 PagesColor imagery in The Great Gatsby is vital to the books storyline. If there was no color imagery then the reader could not associate a certain person or thing with a color or idea. Fitzgerald uses the color so people can remember the person more than just their name. The use of color imagery greatly impacts the story line. One of the main colors in The Great Gatsby is white. White represents the innocence and purity in the book. Daisy and Jordan are first introduced wearing white. It makes you thinkRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Symbolism Essay931 Words   |  4 PagesColors can be symbolic of infinite various things. Artists take this truth into attention while selecting the colors they use in their paintings; as these colors are used to generate emotions inside their target market. Identical to an artist, F. Scott Fitzgerald makes use of light and color in his masterpiece to create float and harmony. There is, however, an additional, extensive motive for his use of light and coloration symbolism. Fitzgerald uses lights and hues to focus on the critical battleRead MoreColors and Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1290 Words   |  6 PagesSymbolism is the use of symbols to supply things with a representative meaning or to represent something abstract by an existing object. In the nove l The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, colours are used to symbolize a person’s inner thoughts and feelings. Colours, such as green, white are used to find ones true feelings; while others use colours to hide their true persona. Colour symbolism is used to convey a deeper message to the readers and help us understand the characters true colours. Read More Color Symbolism in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay example2801 Words   |  12 PagesColors are an essential part of the world around us. They can convey messages, expressing that which words do not. Gentle blue tones can calm a person and bright yellows can lift the spirits. If an artist is trying to express sorrow or death he often uses blacks blues, and grays basically he uses dreary colors. Without one word, a driver approaching a red traffic light knows to stop. Colors are representative of many things. In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses color symbolism

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency free essay sample

If we can find a way in which music benefits studying and comprehension, we can involve music in our studies thus enhancing the enjoyment of time studying as well as enhancing our earning abilities. Music is powerful. It has the potential to evoke emotions and personality. Because of the profound effects music has on the human race, It has been a common link been. en cultures around the world for centuries. Not only does music provide entertainment and beautiful sounds, but it has an amazing effect on memory and learning.It has been found that people who study music have better Spas and are higher achievers than those who arent involved in music. It is also true that Hungary, Japan and the Netherlands are the top three academic countries in the world and they all lace a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. With that fact, the United States should promote music education in all students and stress the importance of music from an early age when children are curious and adventurous. We will write a custom essay sample on How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Through recent scientific studies there has been a much greater understanding on music and it?s psychological effects.There have been countless studies performed to understand the complex correlation of the complicated brain and music. For example, in a study performed by Mark Tartan, David Harvested, and Adrian North, the men ought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music. In the study, they played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing their subjects immediately following their workout. They offered the participants the ability to help out a charity, thus examining the affect that the music had on them. They measured two different groups, those who listened to annoying music and those who listened to uplifting music.The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive, while the people who listened to the annoying music were short-tempered and unhelpful. Another famous study has dealt with how Mozart?s masterpieces help concentration and memorization when studying for academics. It has been found in many different studies that because of the mathematical rhythms in Mozart?s musical pieces, mental clarity is enhanc ed, therefore improving study skills. After researching this study, our group was able to construct our own hypothesis.The study also made us more hopeful that our hypothesis would turn our conclusive. An experiment performed by Teresa Leslie dealt with the effect of listening to music on work performance. She concluded that quality of work and time-on-task work was least efficient with no music. Her experiment showed that people produce more quality work while listening to music and they finish their work faster when listening to music. It also stated that work environments with music help employee moods. This study helps our experiment, but lacks the difference in music genres on work efficiency. With our experiment, we will be able to take this specific study even further by finding out what specific genre of music helps work efficiency and mood. Exploring multiple sources and studies performed by other scientists has only eloped strengthen our own experiment and shed light onto different facets of our study. With the help of outside information, we hope to provide a well constructed experiment with reliable results. From our research, we have built a vast base of knowledge on not only musics effects on the mind, but mood, tension, and other factors which could possibly hinder our experiment.The knowledge we have gained on the diverse human responses to various genres of music have helped support our belief that music can in fact have both beneficial and harmful consequences. Our study seeks to examine not only our narrowly defined question, but several broader inquiries. Walking into King Library, there are a vast number of students hard at work while tuned into their pods. In our study, we seek to examine what genre of music will be most beneficial. On a larger scale however, our study examines several broader topics and has many far reaching effects on students lives.The study will work to reach conclusions on how students can improve academic performance as well as comprehension and mental efficiency. In researching this topic, we have come across many studies that also explore the link teen music and the mind. Harvested, David, Mark Tartan, and Adrian North. The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior. Environment and Behavior 36 (2004). 10 Seep 2005 . This was an extremely beneficial study was performed on this topic by Mark Tartan, David Harvested, and Adrian North. These men sought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music.They played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing music had on them. They had two different groups which they measured those who listened to annoying music and those who listened were exposed to uplifting music. The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive. Weinberg, Norman . The Mozart Effect: A Small Part of the Big Picture. 7 deed. Sacramento: Regents of the University of California, 2000. One particular article we came across examined the effect of classical musics mathematical rhythms.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Government Planned To A Free Economy †Free Samples For Students

Question: Discuss About The Government Planned To A Free Economy? Answer: Introduction China has had an outstanding period of rapid growth since it changed from a government planned to a free economy. It is currently an upper middle-income country with compound development needs where the Bank is playing a critical role. By 2015, China had accomplished the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and played a central role in the achievement of the MDGs across the globe. With a populace of approximately 1.3 billion, China has the second biggest economy and is performing an indispensable role in the development of the world economy(The World Bank, 2017). Chinas top industries incorporate mining and ore processing, cement, textiles and apparel, machine building, chemicals, and petroleum. Electrical machinery, furniture, and industrial machinery are some of China's top exported goods with United States, Japan, and Hong Kong being the top trading partners(Globaledge, 2017). Despite rapid economic development, the countrys GDP per capita is still below the global standards. Other notable issues facing China include rapid urbanization, an aging population, and challenges to environmental sustainability(Cui, 2017). Therefore, this paper explores the economic progress of China between 2000 and 2016. Key economic indicators analyzed include the GDP growth rate, unemployment, GDP per capita and inflation. Production Output Performance Analysis Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product is a measure used to assess annual variations in the inflation-adjusted prices of the total commodities created in an economy. It is a full appraisal of economic development and a vital indicator of the health of an economy over the short term and long term. Since the Gross Domestic Product depicts the economic progress of a country, it permits the policymakers to establish whether an economy needs a restraint or boost(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). GDP Growth Rate GDP growth rate refers to the yearly percentage fluctuations in the Gross Domestic Product of a nation. This measure is one of the instruments used to understand if the countrys economy is expanding or deteriorating. Additionally, the investors depend on the GDP growth rate to adjust asset allotment in their portfolios(McTaggart, Findlay, Parkin, 2015). Those economies whose GDP growth rate is stable are known to attract more investors for their stocks and corporate bonds. Chinas GDP Growth Rate (2000-2016) Chart 1: Data retrieved from The World Bank On the graph one above, it is clear that China has recorded a remarkable economic growth. Before the global economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009, China's economy grew steadily and managed to reach 14.23% in 2007. However, on the onset of the financial crisis, the countrys economic growth rate reduced to 9.65% in 2008 and further dropped in 2009 to 9.40%(The World Bank, 2017). Although many economies across the globe such as Japan and Singapore went into recession during the global financial crisis, China managed to escape this economic downturn. Chinas ability to avoid the recession is associated with several factors. Foremost, China went into the crisis in an entirely unique position compared to other economies. For instance, the country was having a budget surplus and had been increasing the interest rates to scale back excessive growth. The financial institutions in this country had restricted consumer spending and excessive credit. Moreover, when the crisis began, the Chine se government adopted aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus which played a vital role in re-accelerating the economy. The government lowered the interest rates, relaxed restrictions on credit and increased government expenditure with the view of boosting household consumption(Xu, 2016). Since the Great Depression of 2009, China's economic growth has remained above 6.70%. This outstanding growth is as a result of sound government policies. GDP per Capita Analysis GDP per capita is an economic measurement that depicts the economic output for every person in a country. This analysis distributes the Gross Domestic Product with the overall population in an economy. Hence, GDP per capita provides an excellent estimate of the living standards of people in a given country. Additionally, GDP per capita is used by economists to compare the strength of different economies all over the world(Sloman, Wride, Garratt, 2015). In most cases, the advanced economies have higher GDP per capita than the less developed and developing countries. Chinas Versus Australias GDP Per Capita (Constant 2010 US$) Chart 2: Data retrieved from The World Bank The chart two above displays the GDP per capita of China and Australia between 2000 and 2016. It is evident that Australias GDP per capita significantly surpasses that of China. For example, in 2016, China's GDP per capita stood at 6,894,464 U.S Dollars while that of Australia was 55,670,924 U.S Dollars(The World Bank, 2017). This scenario shows that the residents of Australia have higher living standards than that of Chinese. It can also be noted that the GDP per capita of both nations is increasing gradually and hence continued improvement in their living standards. Government Measures to Accelerate Economic Growth Infrastructure Development The expansion of infrastructure in China has always been the central focus for the leadership in the economic enhancement initiatives. The fundamentals under which additional infrastructure is being constructed incorporates guaranteeing sustained fast economic increase with airports, roads, energy, water, railway, and rural projects receiving considerable investment. The unrelenting expansion of city-wide metro networks and high-speed rail are prime instances of China's aspirations to boost its transport systems further to profit the wider economy(Shiu, Li, Woo, 2016). Tax Incentives for Small Businesses In the recent years, the Chinese government has been issuing tax breaks to small enterprises with a view of reducing the corporate burden to support economic progress. For instance, from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2019, the small ventures with a yearly taxable income that does not exceed 73,599 U.S Dollars will be entitled to tax preferences. During this period, the small businesses that are eligible will have their corporate income tax base reduced by half with a tax rate of 20%(Cui, 2017). Moreover, the government is continually streamlining the tax structure to establish a simpler and a more transparent tax system. Improving Education and Training Better education and training are vital for the growth and improvement of the economy, especially over the long term. Education avails the required human resource to provide labor and stir the productivity of the country. As a result, the Chinese government gives priority to education and training in its development strategy. The government is persistently investing in learning, research and development to enhance efficiency in the economy and stimulate economic growth and development(Cui, 2017). Labor Market Analysis Meaning and Types of Unemployment The term unemployment is used to refer to a state where eager and able to work persons are incapable of finding employment at the existing wage rate. Unemployment is an issue not only among less developed economies but also in rising and higher economies. The typical types of unemployment in an economy include frictional, cyclical, and structural unemployment(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). Frictional Unemployment Frictional unemployment arises in a country when recruits are moving between jobs or when fresh graduates enter the labor market and remain jobless for some time before securing employment. Frictional unemployment often last for a short term and is a natural part of job search(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). Also, this kind of unemployment is facilitated by the lack of perfect information in the labor market and exists in all countries. Structural Unemployment Structural unemployment results from structural changes. When modifications take place in the formation of an economy can cause skill discrepancy and therefore structural unemployment. The mechanization of duties at the place of work is known to result in this type of unemployment as machines replace the use of human labor(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). In such circumstances, the affected workers find it difficult re-employed unless they are retrained. Cyclical Unemployment Cyclical unemployment is an unintentional category of unemployment that is caused by too little demand for products in an economy. This unemployment is occasionally called Keynesian demand deficient unemployment(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). It often occurs during recessions when firms close down or lay off some workers. Chinas Unemployment Trend Chart 3: Data retrieved from The World Bank From 2000 to 2007, the unemployment rate in China declined gradually. In 2000 unemployment was 4.53% whereas in 2007 the unemployment stood at 3.76%. However, on the beginning of the worldwide financial crisis, the unemployment started rising. In 2008 and 2009 the unemployment was 4.36% and 4.29% respectively. Since then, unemployment has ranged between 4% and 4.6%(The World Bank, 2017). Government Measures to Curb Unemployment Support for Small and Medium Sized ventures The small and micro businesses play a significant role in accelerating employment creation, improving economic expansion, and scientific innovation. As a result, the Chinese government is actively supporting the expansion of SMEs. The support focuses on the healthy development of SMEs from several aspects such as finance, human resources development, funding, taxation, innovative development, and market exploration. For example, Peoples Bank of China has been guiding the financial institutions to expand to the SMEs(Cui, 2017). Developing the Service Industry Due to the importance of the service sector in an economy, the government of China has put in place measures to boost this particular industry. For instance, in 2013, the government issued a policy for enhancing senior services, promoting the integrated improvement of creative and cultural industries as well as promoting information consumption to inspire domestic demand(Cui, 2017). Strengthening Public Employment Service Public employment service plan focuses on availing an equal access to public occupation services for both the rural and urban people as well as free job services to laborers. Besides, the government agencies hire the services of professional intermediaries and support them to provide employment services through occupation referral subsidy. Price Level Analysis Meaning and Roots of Inflation Inflation refers to the continual rise in the general prices of commodities in an economy. Cost-push and demand-pull influences usually cause inflation. The cost-push factors include those influences that make the cost of doing businesses to shoot up. For example, an increase in the cost of labor and other key inputs like oil leads to cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation is caused by those incidences that increase the amount of money in circulation. Some of these incidences include that cause demand-pull inflation incorporates purchase of government bonds, reduction in the interest rates and growth in public expenditure(Sloman, Wride, Garratt, 2015). Chinas Inflation Trend Chart 4: Data retrieved from The World Bank In 2000 and 2001, China registered low levels of inflation, that is, 0.26% and 0.72% and then went into deflation in 2002 (-0.77). Between 2003 and 2008 the inflation in this country remained below 6% before going into deflation again in 2009 due to the effects of the Great Depression. Since then, the inflation in China has been maintained below 6% with 2015 recording the lowest rate, 1.44%(The World Bank, 2017). Government Measures to Attain Stable Prices The Chinese government often combines monetary and fiscal policies to curb inflation. When inflation rises above the target, the government makes use of contractionary policies. For instance, the government can increase the interest rate, reduce its expenditure or sell government assets to shrink the amount of currency in circulation. On the other hand, when inflation is very low, the government deploys expansionary instruments(Xu, 2016). For example, the government may raise the interest rates, buy government assets or reduce its expenditure. Conclusion China has the second leading economy and is undertaking an essential role in the improvement of the global economy. Since 2000, China has registered a remarkable economic growth untouched by the recession. Aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus which the government initiated during the 2008-2009 global financial crises played a vital role in re-accelerating the economy, and thus China avoided an economic downturn. Chinas unemployment rate has been below 5% with relatively stable prices. However, China's GDP per capita is still below the global standards. Some of the measures the government has put in place to boost economic growth and increase employment creation include infrastructure development, providing tax incentives for small businesses and developing the service industry. Finally, monetary and fiscal instruments are deployed to guarantee stable prices. References Cui, W. (2017). Social Trust, Institution, and Economic Growth: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance Trade , 1243-1261. Globaledge. (2017). China: Economy. Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from Globaledge: Goodwin, N. R., Nelson, J. A., Harris, J. (2014). Macroeconomics in context. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. McTaggart, D., Findlay, C. C., Parkin, M. (2015). Economics. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson. Shiu, A., Li, R., Woo, C.-K. (2016). Economic Growth and Infrastructure Investments in Energy and Transportation: A Causality Interpretation of China's Western Development Strategy. Energy Journal , 211-222. Sloman, J., Wride, A., Garratt, D. (2015). Economics (9th ed.). Harlow : Pearson. The World Bank. (2017). GDP growth (annual %). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World bank. (2017). GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017). Inflation, consumer prices (annual %). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017, March 28). The World Bank In China . Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017). Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate). Retrieved August 8th, 2017, from The World Bank: Xu, H. (2016). Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth in China: New Evidence from Panel Data. Emerging Markets Finance Trade , 724-732.