Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge Essay

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge common ideologies in today's society - Essay Example ther fields, to the existence of propaganda and publicity; further, many sociologists have been able to show -- without specific reference to socio-musical society -- that there is less tendency for the public to become a crowd than to be swallowed up by the mass’. In other words, the music offered to the public can cause severe damages to the social framework of a particular society. At a next level, the above relationship is being used in order to justify the close relationship between music and media particularly in the modern society. From another point of view, the assumption that music can influence the public regarding a particular issue can lead to the hypothesis that media have the power to control the music presenting through them ensuring the protection of the consumers especially of the teenagers from possible severe psychological consequences – although such an result can be differentiated in accordance with the character and the personal thoughts of the pe rson involved. In this way, it has been regarded as justifiable to think that ‘the public and the mass are intermingled, a consequence of mass communication media; these media must not be overlooked in any modern study of music, and have, in fact, led to considerably increased difficulty in the observation of contemporary collective behaviour with regard to music’ (Silbermann, 1963, 192). Current paper examines the relationship between the music and the media regarding a particular band, Radiohead, one of the most known rock bands in the international music industry. More specifically, the issue under examination is the challenge set by Radiohead (by their artwork) towards the common ideologies as they have been recognized and applied in all states around the world. In accordance with the views of Freeden (1996, 87) ideologies are ‘groupings of decontested political concepts; the mutual influence of these concepts is paramountly affected by the specific morphologi cal arrangements that

Monday, October 28, 2019

White Privilege in American Society Essay Example for Free

White Privilege in American Society Essay Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. White American privilege is the result of a country developing around a racially charged society featuring whites on top. Since the inception of colonial America, Whites heeded themselves as the superior race. This is seen evident through the submission and elimination of the Native Americans as well as most directly in the institution of slavery. As the nation of riches began to develop, and the American Dream came into fruition, nonwhites were left out of any chance to profit. Skip ahead to present day and we see a nation that has made drastic leaps toward social equality between races, but still struggles with remnants of the past. Simply put, white privilege is the social advantage given to whites through wealth and power that nonwhites never had the opportunity to earn. Despite all of societys strides toward racial equality, how do you equalize the advantages one group has had over another? The most obvious advantage today is that of wealth. White Americans have had greater opportunity for previous generations to accumulate and pass on wealth to todays members, whereas nonwhite Americans were historically denied the opportunity to do so. Specific cases include the subjugation of a race with Native Americans, the enslavement of race as seen with Black Americans, and the fleecing of a race as seen with Japanese Americans. However, perhaps most prevalent, but certainly not obvious is the power that White Privilege bestows to White Americans. In a society being controlled by white Americans, it is natural for that society to show a bias toward whites. This bias manifests itself through legislation, opportunities and within the very fabric of society itself. However prevalent its effects might be, White Privilege seems nonexistent to those who benefit from it (McIntosh, 1989). In modern American society, as a nation that has existed with White Privilege, it is commonplace and goes by unnoticed to white Americans. Among its subtle manifestations, but arguably the most relevant, is the fact that actions committed by a white individual are attributed to that individual and very seldom to their race, whereas, actions committed by nonwhites are usually viewed as stereotypical of their race, even if those actions are in fact atypical. It is in these subtleties that the often made argument that disenfranchised white Americans do not benefit from the effects of White Privilege is proved inaccurate. The factor of wealth only gives a reason as to why white privilege exists. The fact that all but a very small percentage of wealthy Americans are white correlates to that fact that all but a very small percentage of Americans in power are white. The bias and controlling interest exerted by this white power majority is apparent through all aspects of American government. As described in The Coming White Majority a black man recalls coming to America, he quotes, We came here as Africans, but no one called us Africans. They called us Negroes (Maharidge, 1996). White Privilege is a phenomenon that cannot directly be undone. As discussed the underlying causes of White Privilege exist in the mindset and power structure of American society. Perhaps most conceivable would be to begin by diversifying the power structure of the government. However, as has been proven many times in American government, politics are won through financial support. So for this reason, we look again to wealth and must focus on equalizing the wealth of the nation. If, through these steps, we engineer a social system that has power equally distributed among races, there still remains the perceived power created by societal mindset. Unlike tangible aspects of government office and wealth, how can we conceivable attempt to change the minds of an entire society of people (Bonilla-Silva, 2006). It can be presumed that the only way to begin to undertake this task is through education. Contrary to popular belief, race cannot be ignored. Race education will help to educate both white Americans to be aware of phenomenon such as White Privilege, and to help educate nonwhite Americans in what to expect living in a society filled with White Privilege. As discussed, White Privilege is a permeating factor of American society and its effects slowly widen the riff between white and nonwhite Americans. However, although difficult, it is possible to begin to overcome the effects granted by White Privilege. Ignoring nonrealistic way such as a mass racial equalizing of wealth and power, the first step is to educate both sides of society in race relations throughout. After all, as has been coined may times, education and understanding are the end all of strife and despair. Works Cited Webster. Websters Dictionary. 2006 McIntosh, P. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Peace and Freedom. July 1989. Maharidge, D. The Coming White Minority. Random House Inc, 1996. Bonilla-Silva, E. Racialized Social System Approach to Racism, in Gallagher, Charles. Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jealousy and Self-construal Essay -- Psychology, Emotions

Jealousy is an intrinsically relational phenomenon that is regarded as a multidimensional experience, consisting of cognitive, emotional and coping behaviors (Aylor, 2004; Fleischmann et. al, 2005; Pfeiffer and Wong, 1989; Theiss, 2006). Jealousy typically occurs when there is a potential threat to or an actual loss of a valued relationship between oneself and another due to a real or imagined rival for one’s partner’s attention (DeSteno & Salovey, 1996; Fleischmann et. al, 2005; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; White, 1981; White & Mullen, 1989). These real or perceived threats cause individuals to experience and respond to jealousy differently, as most researchers believe jealousy to be not a single emotion, but a combination of internal and external negative emotions. Some people may internally experience hurt, anger, and fear of loss or deterioration of an important relationship (Aylor, 2004; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; Strom & Aune, 2008; White & Mullen, 1989); while other peopl e may experience external displays of jealousy, such as crying, retaliating, departing, using surveillance or even becoming aggressive (Fleischmann et. al, 2005). Although jealousy appears in a variety of forms and levels of intensity, it always results from an interaction between predispositions and a triggering event. An individual’s response to jealousy may be either direct or indirect depending on the severity of the relational threat posed by a potential rival (Bevan & Tidgewell, 2009; Theiss & Solomon, 2006). Severe problems in relationships often call for direct communication to resolve the issue. Direct responses often include accosting the partner or rival in face-to-face communication. For instance, a jealous partner might approach the rival to altercat... ...e relationship and creates feelings of uneasiness or anxiety, both of which may lead to decreased intimacy. Consequently, individuals may take measures to reduce uncertainty and improve their relationship with their partner. A fourth goal is re-assessing the relationship which occurs when individuals experience discontent in their relationship, thus they may re-examine the relationship by weighing the costs and benefits attributed to the relationship. The last cognitive goal provided is restoring equity through retaliation and transpires when partners in inequitable relationships participate in behaviors prompted by the need to restore equity in the relationship (e.g., tactics that even the score). Understanding how these cognitive goals impact the experience of jealousy is an essential first step in understanding how an individual will express jealous behaviors.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Concocting Barium Sulfate Essay

Introduction Barium Sulfate is a white substance, liquid or solid, with the chemical formula being BaSO4. Barium sulfate is a radiopaque agent, which is used in order to help x-rays be more visible due to the contrast between the barium sulfate and the x-rayed parts of the body. This substance is dangerous, but due to its poor solubility ingestion will not result in the body’s absorption of the toxicity of it. Some of the dangers of ingesting Barium Sulfate however are: bloating, constipation, cramping, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, stomach/lower abdominal pain, tightness in chest, troubled breathing, or wheezing. Barium Sulfate also reacts violently with Aluminum powders. Prolonged exposure to Barium Sulfate dust can result in baritosis, which is a form of benign pneumoconiosis. Barium Sulfate is insoluble in most substances, except for concentrated sulfuric acid. Research Question An ample research question for this particular lab would be â€Å"How can one create five grams of Barium Sulfate?† This task explores the use of knowledge of different chemicals regarding their solubilities, concentrations and characteristics and the use of this knowledge in order to make a pre-determined five grams of Barium Sulfate. I intended to approach this problem by using my knowledge of chemicals stated above to come up with a simple, practical way of concocting five grams of Barium Sulfate. Hypothesis If Barium Nitrate and Sulfuric Acid are mixed together appropriately, then we will be able to make five grams of Barium Sulfate, along with the other product. This hypothesis is clearly justifiable. If you mix 5.6 grams of Barium Nitrate with 2.1 grams of Sulfuric Acid, through the reaction types we can see that this is double replacement and should form HNO3 + BaSO4, and through some dilution calculations we can see that theoretically five grams of Barium Sulfate should be made. Variables Independent –> The amounts of Barium Nitrate and Sulfuric acid. These variables are independent because they will change depending on what substances are use to make the Barium Nitrate and of what concentration. Dependent –> The amounts of Barium Sulfate and Nitric Acid produced. These variables are dependent because they depend on the independent variables, or the Barium Nitrate and Sulfuric Acid. Control –> The different materials used during the experiment are the materials used and the substances used to make the Barium Nitrate. These are controls because they do not change throughout the experiment. Procedure Materials –> 2 700mL beakers –> 50mL graduated cylinder –> 100mL graduated cylinder –> Stirring rod –> Digital Scale –> Coffee Filters –> Hot plate –> Vacuum Flask –> 12.5 M H2SO4 –> Ba(NO3)2 –> Funnel Steps 1. The true first step of this lab was to figure out how to make Barium Sulfate. In our case, we figured we would mix Barium Nitrate and Sulfuric Acid to do the trick. After subsequent calculations, we figured out that we would need 2.1g of Sulfuric Acid and 5.6g of Barium Nitrate. 2. First we placed 5.6 g of Ba(NO3)2 solid powder into the 700mL beaker 3. We then proceeded to make it into a liquid by adding approximately 100mL of water, and to better dissolve these two substances we put the solution onto a hot plate and stirred until it was sufficiently dissolved 4. Then we put 2.1g or 4mL of 12.5M H2SO4 into the 50mL graduated cylinder 5. Then we diluted the 12.5M H2SO4 to 5M by adding in 6mL of water, in order to achieve 10mL of 5M H2SO4 6. We then poured the dissolved water and Ba(NO3)2 along with the 10mL of 5M H2SO4 together in the other 700mL beaker 7. We then observed the reaction and recorded these observations. The solution was HNO3 and BaSO4, with the BaSO4 a white precipitate in the liquid HNO3. 8. To isolate the BaSO4, it needs to be filtered. We weighed the coffee filter with the digital scale, which came out to 0.5g and then placed the filter on the inside of the funnel. 9. Place the funnel over the vacuum flask so that the HNO3 will go through the funnel into the vacuum flask and the remaining substance will isolated BaSO4 after the substance from the 700mL beaker is poured into the funnel very slowly 10. Remove the coffee filter, and throw everything else out. Then let the BaSO4 on the coffee filter dry overnight 11. Then we weighed the coffee filter with the dry BaSO4, which was 4.7g, and then subtracted the weight of the coffee filter to get the true weight of our BaSO4, which was 4.2 grams. Data Raw Data Amounts of Reactants and Amount of BaSO4 Substance Amount (+/- 0.5g) H2SO4 10ml Ba(NO3)2 5.6g in 100mL of water BaSO4 4.2 grams Calculations Amount to Use of Each Substance 5g of BaSO4 x (1mol BaSO4/ 233.43g of BaSO4) 0.02142 mols BaSO4 0.02142 mols BaSO4 x (1mol H2SO4/ 1mol BaSO4) 0.02142 mols H2SO4 0.02142 mols BaSO4 x (1mol Ba(NO3)2/ 1mol BaSO4) 0.02142 mols Ba(NO3)2 0.02142 mols H2SO4 x (98.078g H2SO4/ 1mol H2SO4) 2.101g H2SO4 0.02142 mols Ba(NO3)2 x (261.336g Ba(NO3)2/1mol Ba(NO3)2 5.597g Ba(NO3)2 Dilution o M1 V1=M2V2 –> (12.5M H2SO4)(Xml H2SO4) = (5M H2SO4)(10mL H2SO4) –> X = 4mL H2SO4 –> 6mL of water needed for 4mL H2SO4 Percent Yield (4.2g BaSO4/5g BaSO4) x 100 = 84% Percent Error [(4.2g BaSO4 – 5g BaSO4)/ 5g BaS04] x 100 = 16% Diagrams All of our equipment laid out The vacuum flask pulling the Nitric Acid out of the Barium Sulfate The finished, dried, Barium Sulfate on the coffee filter Weighing the Barium Sulfate on the coffee filter Conclusion Principally, the lab was a success. We were able to come up with a perfectly good method of creating Barium Sulfate. Technically, however the lab was slightly off. Instead of coming up with the ideal five grams of Barium Sulfate, we fell 8/10ths of a gram short, which came out to a sixteen percent error. This inaccuracy suggests that something in our lab went awry. When pumping the nitric acid out of the barium sulfate, we overflowed the filter on the vacuum flask, seeing as how we didn’t take into account how thick the substance actually was. This mishap was most likely the largest contributor to our inaccuracy. Also, human error is always a factor. Inevitably, somewhere down the line we took a reading wrong or something of that nature, further skewing our results. This lab brought up a few questions for further investigation. After finishing the lab, the question occurred to me, â€Å"if we had used an alternate method to make five grams of Barium Sulfate, could we have been more accurate, less accurate, or would our results have remained the same?† To make a better lab, there are a couple things that could be done. First would be to take better care to observe the substances we work with much more carefully. By doing this, there is less likely of a chance of having something happen such as overflowing the funnel. Also, one could record observations better. This would make the analysis of the lab much easier, with less guesswork to do.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Amos and Hosea Essay

Amos was a Judean who believed he was commissioned by Yahweh to address his words to Israel, However Hosea was a native Israelite. With these two men was the custom of recording oracles which appear to have begun, for if the words of their prophetic predecessors were preserved in a written form, then they would have long since been lost to us all. Within a few years, prophets sharing similar concerns with Amos and Hosea began to be active in Judah and their words too, were preserved. II Kings 15 and Amos 1-9 Amos stood in judgment of moral and ethical evil but, unlike them, he did not limit himself to single issues or to individual situations, but dealt with the decline of Yahwism and human behavior in all levels of society. Cities he mentions), patterns of cause and effect (3:3 ff.), and Israelite cult practices. His vivid imagery, drawn from nature, suggests an intelligent observer capable of relating his insights and experiences in powerful terminology. Perhaps the very simplicity of his life caused him to be shocked at the extravagances of the rich and the terrible poverty and helplessness of those who were the prey of the powerful. The luxury of summer and winter palaces as opposed to the hovels of the poor, the greedy demand of the very rich contrasted with the cry for justice and equity of the underprivileged drove him to harsh pronouncements against powerful, smug, content men and women, priests and king. The thrust of Amos’ condemnation is against the division of life into compartments. He argues for unity. What a man does in the market place, in the Court of law or, in his dealings with others cannot be walled off from worship. Yahweh is a God of all people; therefore the dealings of man with man are directly related to the dealings of God with man. His is a cry for the recognition of man’s moral responsibility before God. â€Å"But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an Overflowing stream.† Amos 5:24 AMOS’ RELIGIOUS CONCEPTS Amos’ beliefs concerning Yahweh and divine-human relationships were similar. Yahweh the creator, the â€Å"God of hosts† Amos never speaks of Yahweh as â€Å"God of Israel†), or possessed power over nature and nations. Despite the unrealistic emphasis, Yahweh’s particular concern was Israel, the chosen or  elected people, Amos emphasized Yahweh’s action in history in bringing the Hebrews to nationhood and greatness, and pointed out that the continuance of power and security rested in Yahweh.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Metallic Character - Chemistry Glossary Definition

Metallic Character - Chemistry Glossary Definition Metallic Character Definition Metallic character describes the set of chemical properties that are associated with the elements classified as metals in the periodic table. Metallic character depends on the ability of an element to lose its outer valence electrons. Examples of properties related to metallic character include thermal and electrical conductivity, metallic luster, hardness, ductility, and malleability. The most metallic element is francium, followed by cesium. In general, metallic character increases as you move toward the lower right side of the periodic table. Also Known As: metallicity, metal character Metallic Character Versus Metallicity In chemistry, the terms metallic character and metallicity may be used interchangeably to refer to the metallic nature of a sample. In astronomy, metallicity refers to the abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen or helium, regardless of whether or not these elements are actually metals.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Start Writing a Novel 3 Key Elements a Novel Needs to Succeed

How to Start Writing a Novel 3 Key Elements a Novel Needs to Succeed How to Start Writing a Novel: 3 Key Elements a Novel Needs to Succeed Want to write a compelling, dramatic story?One that draws readers in, takes them on a roller-coaster ride of emotions and thrills,  then leaves them hungry for you to publish your next book, and your next, and your next?If so, then I have good news:With the right understanding of story structure, I believe anyone is capable of writing an amazing story.Yes, that includes you.And the key to making this process as easy and natural as possible is to start every novel with a good story foundation.This is where most new writers struggle. Either they have trouble getting their story off the ground, or they can get it off the ground, but it nosedives partway through the book.Either way, the cause is the same: they didn’t start their book from a good story foundation.In other words, they were missing one or more of thethree critical elements that every novel needs to succeed. I call these foundational elements, â€Å"The Story Foundation Trifecta.†Let’s talk about itNOT E: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereHow to Start Writing a Novel for BeginnersIf youre new to the world of writing, its really easy to get overwhelmed. Its normal to feel that way. Youve never done this before and its a major task to learn how to write a book.What advice do you listen to?How will you even sift through all of the ideas you have?What steps do you actually need to take to start writing a novel?The best part about being a beginner is that you  can  only  make  progress. Theres really nowhere else for you to go but up.The tricky thing, however, is knowing how to get started. After all, that step is the most important, but also the most difficult.These are among the first things you have to do in order to start writing a book as a beginner:#1 Choose a book idea to write aboutIf youre ready to write a book, chances are you hav e more than a single idea in mind thats just how the minds of creatives like yourself work.But how do you choose which to write and which to save for later?The good news is that any and all of your book ideas can get written, its just a matter of choosing which goes first.These are a few questions I like to ask myself when it comes to deciding which idea to start next:Which do you find yourself thinking about most often?Which has a theme/message that means the most to you?Which do you have the most content developed for?Which will be the fastest to write?Once you have an idea in mind that fulfills these questions, youll know that that is the one to write about.Essentailly, in order to choose a book idea, think about which one youre most passionate and excited about. #2 Start your mindmap and outlineOutlining is necessary no matter what type of book youre reading. Even if you think youre the type to write by the seat of your pants, an outline of some sort will come in handy.Even St ephen King has the end of his stories in mind and a few plot points along the way, and he self-identifies as a pantzer, or someone who writes by the seat of ones pants.Now this does NOT mean you have to go through every single part of your story and create a step-by-step outline of everything that will happen.You can do that, but you don’t have to.Generally speaking, there are two kinds of writers out there:Plotters (like James Patterson)Pantzers (like Stephen King)Plotters are people who like to plot their stories in advance, while pantzers are people who don’t- they â€Å"fly by the seat of their pants,† coming up with their story ideas on the fly.You might think that outlining is only important for plottersbut actually, that’s not the case. EVERY writer needs to come up with at least a basic outline before they start writing.Even Stephen King, the most well-known pantzer out there, has admitted that he writes his stories with an end in mind.Knowing whe re your story is going can help you develop the plot to be more complex, exciting, and allow you to hide foreshadowing within the book.This will help you craft your twists to be even harder to see coming something all bookworms love.We have complete guides for learning how to fill out a mindmap and then complete an outline based on it. Check those out before moving on to the nexts steps because its essential to have those details done first.#3 Consider how long you want your book to beThis is also the stage in which you figure out if youll be writing a standalone (a single book) or a series (2 + novels of the same storyline).But first, how long do you want this book to be? Some authors will tell you to just write as much as is needed, but its often a good idea to know your baseline so you can stay on track.This is a table of the average word count for different types of novels to help you get an idea for what to shoot for:Type of WritingWord CountPages in a Typical BookExampleShor t story100 - 15,0001 - 24 pages"The Gift of the Magi" by O. HenryNovella30,000 - 60,000100 - 200 pages"A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony BurgessNovel60,000 - 100,000200 - 350 pages"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone": by JK RowlingEpic Novel120,00 - 220,000+400 - 750+ pages"Game of Thrones" by George R.R. MartinOnce you have an idea as to how long you want your book to be, you can better plan out each chapters length and formulate a writing schedule that will allow you to make real progress.How to Start Writing a Novel with the Story Foundation TrifectaFirst off, what IS the Story Foundation Trifecta?It’s a combination of  three things:An interesting premiseA sympathetic heroA clear compelling â€Å"A-story†As you’re about to learn, these are the most critical and fundamental pieces to any successful story. As long as you have these three things in place, your story is bound to be engaging and entertaining.In the rest of this post, I’ll explain what th ese things are and how you can improve these elements in your story idea. And to help you understand, I’ll be using examples from well-known stories such as The Hunger Games, The Matrix, and my own series GoneGod World.Foundation #1: An Interesting PremiseYour premise is the foundation of your plot. The collection of situations or presuppositions that make up your story world.That sounds complicated, so let’s put it in simpler terms:Your premise consists of 2-3 seemingly unconnected ideas that have been meshed together to make something truly unique.If you analyze really popular stories like The Hunger Games and The Matrix, you’ll realize they have great premises. And that’s a big part of the reason why they were so successful.So how do you come up with an awesome premise of your own?One common method is to use the â€Å"What If† technique. Here’s how that might look using The Hunger Games as an example:The Hunger Games: What if, sometime in the future, there is a society which demands children must fight to the death once a year?Immediately, the premise opens up a hundred other questions that your story may or may not answer. What happened to create this world and contest? Why children? What happens to the victors? Your story may not answer all of these questions, and certainly Suzanne Collins – the author of The Hunger Games – doesn’t answer all of them.See how that works? You take a few different ideas and combine them. See how they might fit together.In this case the premise is using the familiar idea of a gladiator storybut it’s mish-mashing that concept by having the gladiators be children.Then when you throw in a couple extra elements, likeSetting the story in the futureIncluding a love-triangle with the main characterHaving a power struggle behind the scenes only the audience knows aboutyou end up with a really great premise for a story.Here’s another example:The Matrix: What if reality isn’t what we think it is, and in fact we’re all connected to computers as human batteries for the robot world?Here we’re taking the idea â€Å"reality isn’t what you think it is† and mashing it together with â€Å"we’re human batteries connected to computers.†These are cool ideas on their own. But when you put them together, they become something really fascinating. With a premise like this, is it any wonder why The Matrix was so successful?And here’s one more example, from my series of books:GoneGod World: What if all the gods are gone, and when they leave they force all their denizens to go to earth?Here I’ve combined the ideas of â€Å"divine creatures† and â€Å"refugees† to create a unique story premise out oftwo familiar ideas.In this story, every sort of magical creature you can think of- dragons, faeries, etc.- is forced to become a refugee on earth. As you can imagine, this opens up all kinds of possibilities for interesting storylines and conflicts.So that’s foundation #1 of the Story Foundation Trifecta: create an interesting premise. Now it’s your turn:How to Start Writing a Book Action Step:Take a look at your favorite stories and identify their premise. Turn those premises into â€Å"What if† statements.Bonus: Among the premises that you have identified, see if you can alter them slightly to turn them into something completely unique.Challenge: Create 3 to 5 premise statements of your own, statements that ultimately create world, you’d love to write in.You’ll be surprised at how quickly you start cranking out really unique story premises.Foundation #2: A Sympathetic HeroFoundation #1 focuses on your plot. It’s a big-picture statement of what happens in your story.But remember, stories don’t just happen by themselves. They happen to characters- to people. To human beings. (And sometimes, to elves and aliens.)At the heart of every story is a hero who strives to meet an important goal. And the more your audience can understand and identify with that hero, the more likely they are to become engrossed by your story.Now when you’re creating your hero, the  three  most important things to figure out are your hero’s:Key traitsOuter journeyInner journeyâ€Å"Key traits† refer to your character’s distinguishing features. Is your hero:Brave?Intelligent?Beautiful?Charming?Underhanded?Strong as an ox?Your character’s journey refers to the challenges they will be forced to overcome throughout the story. And we break that journey up into inner and outer journeys.A few examples:The Hunger Games: Katniss’s outer journey is to survive the games. Her inner journey is to mature as an individual, to let other people in, and to learn to accept help from others.The Matrix: Neo’s outer journey is to defeat Agent Smith and the robot forces enslaving humanity in side the Matrix. His inner journey is to believe in himself and accept that he’s the only one capable of saving the human race.Make sense? Great. Now go figure out who your hero is, give them a few key traits, and most importantly decide on their inner and outer journey. Then when you’ve completed that, you’re ready to move forFoundation #3: A Clear Compelling â€Å"A-Story†Once you know your story’s premise and have identified your hero, your next step is to use those 2 elements to create your â€Å"A-story.†Loosely defined, your A-story is the main storyline in your novel. It’s the one story we need to see resolved in order for us to put down your book and feel satisfied at the end.Your book can have multiple storylines- maybe you have a romance subplot, for example- but your A-story is the main story. The big problem that gets resolved at the end. The big problem that gets resolved at the end.In most cases, your A-story is going t o be the same as your hero’s outer journey. In The Hunger Games, for example, the A-story is Katniss’ trial to survive the games.But your A-story can also tie into your hero’s inner journey. In The Matrix, the A-story deals in part with Neo’s struggle to believe in himself and become â€Å"the one.†Here are some common A-stories for different genres to think about when you start writing a book:Sci-fi: Repel the alien invasionAction: Get revenge on the bad guysRomance: Finally succumb to the love of your lifeIt’s important to know your A-story. This is the storyline that you need to focus on, to keep coming back to. This is the major conflict of your story, so don’t lose sight of it.Exercise: Identifytwo or three unique A-stories that fit could each premise. Spend a few minutes contemplating how the premise and the A-story work together. (And also relish is how your A-story is better than the original 😊.)Bonus: Could you alter o ne of the premises to fit with your own unique A-story? If so, you very well may have the a kickass story on your hands!Challenge: Now that you have defined your premise in step one, identify 2-3A-stories that could work within that premise statement.How to Start Writing a Book Action Step:Identify two or three unique A-stories that fit could each premise. Spend a few minutes contemplating how the premise and the A-story work together. (And also relish is how your A-story is better than the original)Bonus: Could you alter one of the premises to fit with your own unique A-story? If so, you very well may have the a kickass story on your hands!Challenge: Now that you have defined your premise in step one, identify 2-3 A-stories that could work within that premise statement.You Know Your A-StoryNow, What’s Next?OK, so you’ve gone through the Story Foundation Trifecta and figured out your premise, hero, and A-story. What should you do next?Sign up for your free training to guide you through this process with more detailIts not enough to just read about it. What you need is someone whos done it before to take you through this process step by step.When it comes to fiction, those with experience are those who thrive and we should all learn from someone who know what theyre doing because if we can bypass all the mess of starting to write a book, we should.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of the Zipper and How It Became Mainstream

The History of the Zipper and How It Became Mainstream It was a long way up for the humble zipper, the mechanical wonder that has kept our lives together in many ways. The zipper has passed through the hands of several dedicated inventors, though none convinced the general public to accept the zipper as part of everyday life. It was the magazine and fashion industry that made the novel zipper the popular item it is today. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images The story begins when Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, who received a patent in 1851 for an Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure. It didnt go much further beyond that, though. Perhaps it was the success of the sewing machine, that caused Elias not to pursue marketing his clothing closure system. As a result, Howe missed his chance to become the recognized Father of the Zip. Forty-four years later, inventor Whitcomb Judson marketed a Clasp Locker device similar to system described in the 1851 Howe patent. Being first to market, Whitcomb got credit for being the inventor of the zipper. However, his 1893 patent did not use the word zipper.   The Chicago inventors Clasp Locker was a complicated hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Together with businessman Colonel Lewis Walker, Whitcomb launched the Universal Fastener Company to manufacture the new device. The clasp locker debuted at the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair and was met with little commercial success. Gideon Sundbck / Public domain / via Wikimedia Commons It was a Swedish-born electrical engineer named Gideon Sundback whose work helped make the zipper the hit it is today. Originally hired to work for the Universal Fastener Company, his design skills and a marriage to the plant-managers daughter Elvira Aronson led to a position as head designer at Universal. In his position, he improved the far from perfect Judson C-curity Fastener. When Sundbacks wife died in 1911, the grieving husband busied himself at the design table.  By December of 1913, he came up with what would become the modern zipper. Gideon Sundbacks new-and-improved system increased the number of fastening elements from four per inch to 10  or 11, had two facing-rows of teeth that pulled into a single piece by the slider and increased the opening for the teeth guided by the slider. His patent for the Separable Fastener was issued in 1917.   Sundback also created the manufacturing machine for the new zipper. The S-L or scrapless machine took a special Y-shaped wire and cut scoops from it, then punched the scoop dimple and nib and clamped each scoop on a cloth tape to produce a continuous zipper chain. Within the first year of operation, Sundbacks zipper-making machine was producing a few hundred feet of fastener per day. The popular zipper name came from the B. F. Goodrich Company, which decided to use Gideons fastener on a new type of rubber boots or galoshes. Boots and tobacco pouches with a zippered closure were the two chief uses of the zipper during its early years. It took 20 more years to convince the fashion industry to seriously promote the novel closure on garments. In the 1930s, a sales campaign began for childrens clothing featuring zippers. The campaign advocated zippers as a way to promote self-reliance in young children as the devices made it possible for them to dress in self-help clothing.   A landmark moment happened in 1937 when the zipper beat the button in the Battle of the Fly. French fashion designers raved over the use of zippers in mens trousers and Esquire magazine declared the zipper the Newest Tailoring Idea for Men. Among the zippered flys many virtues was that it would exclude The possibility of unintentional and embarrassing disarray.   The next big boost for the zipper came when devices that open on both ends arrived, such as on jackets. Today the zipper is everywhere and is used  in clothing, luggage, leather goods and countless other objects. Thousands of zipper miles are produced daily to meet the needs of consumers, thanks to the early efforts of the many famous zipper inventors.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Essay

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information - Essay Example Knowledge management and information flows within organizations form a critical link to its productivity and performance. However, effective knowledge management practices remain a distinctive challenge for organizations in the form of identifying the key information needs of the organization and developing effective systems for channelising the information flow across departments and business units. How does an organization define the need for knowledge and skills among its employees and what are the measures that it takes to equip the workforce with the desired skills? How can strategic planning in identifying information needs within each department or operational processes in the business and how can this help in meeting the organizational goals and objectives? These are some of the pertinent questions facing organizations and this paper focuses on providing an insight into strategies that can be adopted by an organization to meet its information needs and overall business object ives. The paper analyses the information needs and knowledge management strategies taken by Apple to meet one of its business objectives. On 22 August 2008, Apple launched the I-phone in India. The response they received from consumers was not as expected as hardly any consumers showed up. This was a bit disappointing as compared to the launches in other countries where there were thousands of consumers standing outside the stores to get their I-phones. It was identified that the lack of marketing led to not having enough consumers at the launch date. (Iphone in India, 2011) The graph below shows the Mac market share of Apple: Market share of Apple by geographic divisions (Source: OSXDaily, 2011) By looking at the above graph, we can see that the market share in Asia is 1.61%, out of which about half is China and the rest is India. Considering the population size, it may not seem as low but as compared to other continents, it is considerably low. With

Friday, October 18, 2019

APU fuel saving VS cost of availability of ground carts for cooling Essay

APU fuel saving VS cost of availability of ground carts for cooling and electricity - Essay Example Nevertheless, the APU requires a typical maintenance plan that costs approximately $50 per hour (John, 2015; 210). Considering an aircraft that flies 400 hours in a year, the cost of APU fuel would be $80, 000/year. The cost of maintenance would be $20,000. Therefore, the total annual cost of using the APU power generator would $100, 000. However, the cost might vary depending on changes on fuel price and also labor charges (Thom, 2014; 120). According to Green (2015; 216), there are other expenses that are associated with the use of APU power generators. They have to undergo through a process of approval by the FAA and other governing bodies. This process is very expensive and adds cost to the specified operational costs. Therefore, it is evident that the cost of using APUs is higher than $100, 000 during the first year of use. These expenses are made high due to factors such as high expense of the JET-A fuel that is used by the APUs (Williams, 2015; 514). On the other hand, the cost of using Ground carts is generally lower compared to that of APUs. The cost of using Ground Power Units varies according to the size of aircraft being serviced and also the overall services required (McCartney, 2014; 22). The initial cost of a Ground cart ranges between $12,000 and $18,000. However, charges for 400 Hz electricity and pre-conditioned air are administered on hourly rates, and they depend on the group of the aircraft (Middel, 2015; 418). Most airports classify aircrafts as; size A, size B and size C. For the size A aircrafts, the charges for 400 Hz electricity and pre-conditioned air are $38 per hour and $80 per hour respectively. The charges for size B aircrafts are $66 per hour and $139 per hour for 400 Hz electricity and pre-conditioned air respectively. On the other hand, size C aircrafts are charged $93 per hour and $200 per hour for Hz electricity and pre-conditioned air respectively (Nielsen, 2013; 244). Therefore, considering

Article #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article #1 - Assignment Example In this article, the author has tried to discuss many points related to job gains and rising pay in labor market and their impacts on economy. According to this article, economy is reviving rapidly ever since the recession started 8 years ago. Labor Department’s report on job gains and pay raise has revealed that 321,000 jobs were created in November 2014 despite the predictions (200,000 jobs) of economist. A handsome increase (0.4) in payments to ordinary workers observed as opposed to the 0.2 estimates but jobless rate stayed at 5.8%. Plunging oil prices coupled with the advent of holiday season provided impetus to increase in wages. Increase in payrolls of 2.65 million is best annual figure since 1990s. Due to increase in wages, Federal Reserve is likely to increase short term interest rates. According to author, some experts argue that Federal Reserve may also increase its key interest rate lever in March 2015. 6.9 million Americans are working as part time employees as they cannot find full time work. The increase in wages would pursue through next six months but November data alone is not enough to change the thinking of Federal Reserve, said Guy Berger, United States economist at RBS. In the recent years, energy sector has been performing well in term of job growth but in the aftermath of slump in oil prices throughout the world, energy sector is expected to cut jobs. The prospect of higher interest rates is making investors cautious and stocks and bonds rose modestly after publishing of Department of Labor report. In my point of view, the author has tried his best to prove the points he tried to explain. But at some points there is no clear indication of facts by the authors. Author is not sure about many future predictions. As usual different economists are of different views in the wake of Department of Labor Report. However, most of the economists are hopeful that economy would revive by virtue of 60% more

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic Thesis

Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic - Thesis Example Hence, we see that the construction industry has taken over a number of services that were offered by A/E consultants. The contractors have taken over a large share of the service market of A/E consultants and thus, A/E firms need to expand the services offered to retain their market shares. They need to venture into service segments such as providing financial assistance to the clients, assistance with regulations, cost analysis of project life cycle, O&M functions, and renovation services. The situation has changed dramatically for marketing professionals and construction services providers and it is not as simple as it used to be. The shift in the project delivery system and the advances in communication technology requires the architects and the engineers to change themselves from their usual procedures of working. For example, in the past architects relied on their name and recognition whereas consulting engineers relied on 80/20 rule2 , and general contractors used to bid low i n competitive bidding situations3. The A/E consultants can retain their market shares by strengthening their market niche, marketing plans that increase customer retention, and restructuring of the organization to increase flexibility in the human resource and the services offered. If we take a look at the US construction industry, it is a pretty large profitable market and the barriers to entry in the market for foreign firms are low as there have been indications that a number of foreign firms have entered the heavily civil and public works markets in California, Massachusetts, and Florida. Statistically, Construction industry is a huge one. According to the US Census Bureau, the total value of business done in 2007 was $748,4994 (in millions of dollars). Similarly, in the state of Washington, there were a total of 21,701 establishments in 2007 and the dollar value of business done was $27, 916, 1235. Construction Litigation Industry The function that Construction Litigation serve s is dealing with legal disputes that result from construction projects. The disputes could result from disagreements in construction contracts and from injury claims or accidental deaths caused by ignorant behavior. In any case, construction litigation consultants are responsible for dealing with civil lawsuits involving private parties that are governed under separate rule and regulations from those of criminal prosecution6. Several new methods have evolved in the construction industry such as design/build, at-risk construction management, built-operate-transfer methods7. Difference of opinion exists on the claims and litigations under these methods. Proponents of these methods are of the view that these methods tend to bring down the hostility of the relationship between the concerned parties, hence resulting in an overall reduction in claims and litigations whereas advocates of litigation believe that despite the use of alternate methods; these methods just place the associated risks within the construction process. Consequently, there is no significant impact on the claims or litigation. On the contrary, they believe that

Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver - Essay Example And, there is a proportion among writers who bring these situations and incidents into a written form, using the realistic or fictionalized version of the real life happenings as the base, particularly the ‘injuring’ or distressing aspects. Mahasweta Devi is one such writer, who has used the culture, events etc prevailing in India, particularly the distressing and disturbing happenings in her home state of West Bengal in her works. So, in this paper I will focus on Mahasweta Devi, her life, her works and what will be the contents of my presumed interaction with her. Mahasweta Devi presently lives in Kolkatta (the new name of Calcutta). Apart from being an accomplished Indian writer, she is also a social worker, involving herself in many worthwhile causes and thus travels to many parts of West Bengal and throughout India. So, I planned to reach Kolkatta by air and from the airport, based on Devi’s current work or location, I will make the trip by road or train. Before boarding my flight, I researched about Devi through internet and books, and got a lot of information about her life and her works. So, onboard the flight to Kolkatta, based on the information, I set my thought process into action and tried to form the questions I will ask Devi, topics for our conversation etc, etc. As, I want the interaction with Devi to be smooth, fruitful, engaging and beneficial, I formed certain questions and topics based on the research. Firstly, I plan to ask Devi about her early days in erstwhile East Bengal and whether the partition of India and Paki stan had any impact on her life. Devi was actually born in Dacca, in what is now Bangladesh. Being a Hindu, she and her family moved into West Bengal in India at the time of partition of India and Pakistan. That is, as British gave freedom to India in 1947, they divided mainland India, into India and Pakistan, with Hindu majority areas staying with India and Muslim majority areas going to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic Thesis

Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic - Thesis Example Hence, we see that the construction industry has taken over a number of services that were offered by A/E consultants. The contractors have taken over a large share of the service market of A/E consultants and thus, A/E firms need to expand the services offered to retain their market shares. They need to venture into service segments such as providing financial assistance to the clients, assistance with regulations, cost analysis of project life cycle, O&M functions, and renovation services. The situation has changed dramatically for marketing professionals and construction services providers and it is not as simple as it used to be. The shift in the project delivery system and the advances in communication technology requires the architects and the engineers to change themselves from their usual procedures of working. For example, in the past architects relied on their name and recognition whereas consulting engineers relied on 80/20 rule2 , and general contractors used to bid low i n competitive bidding situations3. The A/E consultants can retain their market shares by strengthening their market niche, marketing plans that increase customer retention, and restructuring of the organization to increase flexibility in the human resource and the services offered. If we take a look at the US construction industry, it is a pretty large profitable market and the barriers to entry in the market for foreign firms are low as there have been indications that a number of foreign firms have entered the heavily civil and public works markets in California, Massachusetts, and Florida. Statistically, Construction industry is a huge one. According to the US Census Bureau, the total value of business done in 2007 was $748,4994 (in millions of dollars). Similarly, in the state of Washington, there were a total of 21,701 establishments in 2007 and the dollar value of business done was $27, 916, 1235. Construction Litigation Industry The function that Construction Litigation serve s is dealing with legal disputes that result from construction projects. The disputes could result from disagreements in construction contracts and from injury claims or accidental deaths caused by ignorant behavior. In any case, construction litigation consultants are responsible for dealing with civil lawsuits involving private parties that are governed under separate rule and regulations from those of criminal prosecution6. Several new methods have evolved in the construction industry such as design/build, at-risk construction management, built-operate-transfer methods7. Difference of opinion exists on the claims and litigations under these methods. Proponents of these methods are of the view that these methods tend to bring down the hostility of the relationship between the concerned parties, hence resulting in an overall reduction in claims and litigations whereas advocates of litigation believe that despite the use of alternate methods; these methods just place the associated risks within the construction process. Consequently, there is no significant impact on the claims or litigation. On the contrary, they believe that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Responsible Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Responsible Business - Essay Example Moreover, the discussion of this report will also evaluate the nature of ethical business and its importance as well as impact on business behaviour in society. In addition, the report intends to focus upon evaluating the role of government as an influencer or enabler in relation to practice business ethics within an organisation. The Aspects Constitutes Responsible Business ’Responsible Business’ can be stated as a perception where an organisation involves accountability in imposing significant impact in its different operational functions. It has been apparently observed that the organisations of different sizes employ as well as implement strategies with the intention of attaining their business objectives efficiently. In this similar context, an effective ethical consideration within the business environment assists the entrepreneurs to develop their business performances along with meeting the overall expectations of their stakeholders by a considerable level. A re sponsible business fundamentally aims to meet expected outcomes that generates from certain major programmes such as escalating awareness regarding any ethical issues, developing decision-making processes and lessening misconducts that prevail while performing different operational functions. Furthermore, a responsible business considerably focuses upon continuously developing the business performances by taking into concern its internal as well as external business environment. The organisations in the present day context are highly focused to conduct different environmental initiatives in order to improve their business performance that ultimately supports them to perform responsible business at large (International Trade Administration, n.d.). Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In relation to identify the aspects that constitutes responsible business, it can be stated that the approach of ethical business and CSR are frequently implemented interchangeably. In this regard, the concept of ethical business constitutes code of moral standards and values that governs the behaviour of a person or group with regard to identify their different activities. Moreover, the perception of ethical business significantly emphasises upon balancing the business performances and the needs as well as the desires of the society where it performs its operational functions. It comprises certain moral guidelines along with principles that ensure to guide business operations as well as behavioural aspects of the organisational members in an efficient manner (Crane & Matten, 2004). In the context of CSR, it can be identified that the approach i.e. ethical business significantly involves different aspects of responsibility that include legal, economic, ethical as well as voluntary philanthropic activities both for the organisation and its operating societies. Contextually, it can be stated that the legal responsibilities of an ethical business are basically the laws and regulations that are followed while performing operational funct

Monday, October 14, 2019

Luxury Fashion Brand Essay Example for Free

Luxury Fashion Brand Essay To be successful in India, it is both necessary to gauge the financial potential as well as the mindset of the Indian luxury consumer. This will help in bringing forth the right product offerings to the Indian consumer as well as targeting them better. There are conventional foundations for ensuring success of a brand and they are listed below in brief: * The brand must be â€Å"expansive† Which means it should be full of innovation opportunities for the marketer and in terms of satisfying the different needs of the luxury consumer. * The brand must tell a story – One of the best ways for an organization to compete and distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack is to tell your brand story. The story should be so powerful that it should make customer act as the way you want. * The brand must be relevant to the consumers’ needs Depending upon the mindset of the luxury class, it is necessary for a brand to satisfy those needs, whether they be for recognition or functional use etc. * The brand must align with consumers’ values A brand that does not concur with the basic values of a consumer’s society has a small chance of succeeding because luxury items are identification for a luxury consumer. This makes it difficult for the consumer to adopt the brand in such cases. * The brand must perform Irrespective of which category the brand belongs to, a performance assurance is a must for the brand. Based on the inputs given above as well as an understanding of the decision making process of the luxury consumer, we recommend the following paths for luxury marketers based on what Indian consumers really desire from their luxury brands, i. e. product brand, dealer/store brand and price/value relationship : (The price / value relationship has been accorded less focus since the Indian Consumer is at a phase when cost of luxury is secondary to its appeal / benefits) 1. Brand Me Affluent! It is essential for marketers to ensure that the recognition value of their brands is always high so that it lends a sense of affluence to the consumer, which can only come if others around him / her perceive the brand to be a top-notch luxury brand. This can come from either being aligned with the most successful celebrities or being a part of elite events and promotions. 2. Nothing but the Best – This is a golden opportunity for the marketer to earn greater margins by adding customized value to his line of luxury goods. These added-value customized goods will ensure that the customer feels he has something more than just the ordinary range of luxury goods available. 3. Luxury is having the world at my fingertips – First! A luxury marketer will not only have to be faster than his competitors in reaching out to the consumer, to gain a share of wallet but also continuously offer innovative products that serve to differentiate between the consumers. 4. â€Å"Ethnic Chic† – The Fusion of Local Global goods This point is connected to the strategy of a product being in line with the consumers’ values for it to be adopted. Apart from this, in the Indian context, ethnicity is also a fashion statement in many product categories. 5. You Think I’m Demanding? Next! The marketer’s job should be a constant endeavor to offer newer luxury goods to the consumer, in sync with their needs. In addition to that, marketers will need to make sure that each and every single consumer has to be treated with a high-level of personalized attention, given the nature of the product and the consumer. Even minor Shortfalls in this case will have the consumer shifting their brand preferences to those marketers who can satisfy their needs better. 6. CANNIBALIZATION OF BRANDS It thus becomes essential to ensure that successful celebrities are partnered with at the right time, thereby both eliminating chances of Competition as well as delivering the right aspirational / appeal message to the intended audience. Conclusion The starting point for identifying successful luxury brand strategies in India has been established by identifying certain salient aspects of luxury brands that remain constant as well as identifying the stage of mindset of the Indian consumer towards these brands. The focus is now towards ‘how soon’ luxury brands will enter the market to gain a first mover advantage, which is of significant importance in India. Apart from how soon, we primarily focus on ‘how will’ luxury brands cater to the mainly aspirational needs of the Indian consumer. A word of caution that goes for luxury marketers, irrespective of their brands and Geographical presence – The luxury consumer is always looking for newer ways to Satisfy his continuously changing needs. Hence, the need to keep a close tab through insightful research is of prime importance. As far as India is concerned, given the rapidly accelerating affluence of the Masses, the scenario is set to witness a boom. The ones who will be riding the Wave will be the ones who’ve kept their ears open to each and every word of their Each and every customer. After all, in the luxury business, no marketer can afford the luxury of treating its consumers as a loosely bunched segment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Management of Global Warming Impacts

Management of Global Warming Impacts David Vellacott Title: How are the impacts of global warming best managed? Accompanying files: n/a Did you know that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years?11 This is a massive contributor to global warming, is mostly induced by human activity and needs urgent attention. The impacts of global warming could feasibly be managed at a variety of scales, local, national and global, but before deciding which approach or combination of approaches is best, we must surely look at the causes, that way we potentially find a cure as opposed to merely treating the symptoms. Causes Over many centuries, CO2 levels have built up, trapped beneath the Earth’s ozone layer, creating an ever thickening ‘blanket’. This is a big problem for us as it will take many centuries for it to be dispersed. Furthermore, rainforests and large areas of vegetation have been removed. This exacerbates the problem of adding extra CO2 when we are essentially removing our natural carbon storage devices. There is a proven strong link between population size, economic activity and our consumer led lifestyle and global warming. As the population has risen over time, so has the level of production of greenhouse gases, further contributing to global warming (see Fig. 1) Fig. 17 China, the most populated country on the planet, which had a population of 1.241 billion in 1998 and 1.351 billion in 2012 4, has seen a rise of 100.1 million people in the space of 10 years and has become the world’s biggest contributor of emissions, therefore leading me to believe that one cause of the worsening of Earth’s global warming is down to overall population increase. However, it would be short sighted to say that this is the only determining factor. Globalisation and extensive economic development/industrialisation is fuelling China’s consumption of fossil fuels and it’s carbon footprint. Fig.2 below shows the Global Warming Emissions by Economic Sector 1 Fig. 2 If we could manage our use of fossil fuels, we can begin to control our carbon excesses, but that won’t reverse the damage already done. Fig. 3 From a different, more focussed local perspective, a cause of climate change is the relentless mass production of new products. Most of the ‘old’ products were sent to landfill sites. Eventually this emits methane (a greenhouse gas). It is only recently (last 20 years) that we have seen the introduction of extensive recycling schemes to try and alleviate this. This allows re-use of materials, helping to reduce emissions from factories producing new materials, as now there is less demand for them, reduces emissions from landfill sites and helps oil supplies last longer. If local schemes like this are continued to be emphasised as they are now, I believe this will have a significant impact on climate change and global warming. Impacts Local Case Study: Telford, Shropshire Telford is an urban area with a population size of 155,000 (2010). Telford’s economy is tertiary based, with some manufacturing. Telford Wrekin Council reported emissions of 18,728 tonnes from the usage of gas, electricity and oil within its property portfolio which includes schools, libraries and leisure centres13. Telford and Wrekin is home to a coal fired power station (owned currently by E.on), which contributes significantly to our local CO2 emissions. As a result of national government’s pressure on local councils to act upon the effects of global warming (Agenda 21), Telford and Wrekin council operates a recycling scheme as a way to cut down on the amount of household waste sent to landfill. Reusable items from households are collected fortnightly and sorted at a recycling centre in the town. The scheme is encouraging in every way. The page about their recycling explains why you don’t have to pay an upfront cost (definitely a positive, good for getting the public on board): because the council saves a great deal of money by recycling; this is cheaper than sending rubbish to landfill. I believe the Telford and Wrekin council runs their recycling scheme very well, ensuring each household has the right containers and are adequately advertising the programme. Since recycling was introduced into Telford, there must surely have been a huge reduction in the amount of rubbish sent to landfill, thus reducing the volume of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. Telford’s recycling scheme, however, may not have come into existence if the effects of global warming had not been recognised. [used 15] The council are also very conscious about the amount of gases released from industrial processes, believing it is very easy to let it get out of hand, to pose a health risk and to harm land, water and air quality through pollution. Therefore, they use a regime called ‘Environmental Permitting’, also known as pollution prevention control, whereby â€Å"it is an offence for any person/company to operate a permitted (prescribed) activity without a valid permit.† 14 National The UK government is keen to mitigate the effects of climate change by looking to reduce our reliance upon fossil fuels for the generation of electricity. It is encouraging energy companies to look at alternative sources eg renewables like wind and wave and is also encouraging individuals to ‘do their bit’ by part funding their investment in solar panels – many homeowners may see this as the crucial time to invest in solar panels for the roof of their house. This is seemingly confirmed by governmental minister Greg Barker. He states: â€Å"Solar PV can play a central role in meeting this challenge [global warming]. It’s a genuinely exciting energy technology which has already seen rapid growth and enjoys strong public support. I want this growth to continue and to help us push further ahead in the global race† Global I believe that the amount of energy produced from renewable methods will increase. It has been predicted that wind and solar power production will increase 4% by 2018 from 2011 figures.2 In time, the polar ice caps will melt as a result of the higher temperatures brought about by global warming. This will cause a rise in sea levels. It is predicted that by 2100, the global sea level is estimated to rise 28 to 98 centimetres (a maximum of more than three feet)10. Having a warmer planet will interfere with countries’ climates. It has been predicted that on average, there will be more warmer days, and fewer colder; there has been a rise of 0.7 °C over the last century.1 Even in our country, UK, we can see the changes to our climate: in recent years, we have had more prolonged spells of sunny weather in the summer months, and much more severe snowy conditions, eg January 2011. In addition, the extreme weather will result in a global increase in the amount of money put towards predicting what may happen. And when this isn’t enough, even more money will be spent reducing the overall impact of climate change. Global warming could lead to water becoming harder to come by in some places. There may be increasing competition over water, which could lead to conflict between nations and areas of the world. How is global warming being managed? Global In recent years, many countries have created laws that restrict the amount of emissions they produce. For example, the Kyoto Protocol was set up to attempt to control the problem. It was intended to monitor the greenhouse emissions produced by all countries that signed, and reduce them by 5% below 1990 levels by 2012; some countries, such as UK, have subsequently set their own targets (UK 12.5% by 2012)6. But not all countries in the world have signed, so in my opinion, the protocol is not at its most effective. If all countries signed up to the Kyoto Protocol, I strongly believe that this would be an extremely effective method of reducing climate change because the whole world would be tackling a global problem as one, hopefully better than using many different methods which may lead to confusion. National Recently, the UK has raised road taxes, perhaps in a bid to discourage the public from buying and using cars emitting large volumes of harmful gases. Cars that emit high or excessive amounts of emissions are charged a higher road tax, and the opposite for those that produce a lesser amount. However, I feel that this  £140 road tax fee would not be enough to discourage most motorists. Many may see this as simply an additional cost to pay for the car, rather than thinking about or realising the true reason for the extra cost the government has imposed. I truly believe that even the smallest changes will have some impact on the overall global warming picture. In the UK a few years ago, homeowners were strongly encouraged to purchase energy efficient light bulbs. Traditional high wattage incandescent light bulbs were deemed to be inefficient, and people started to buy energy efficient light bulbs to replace these. Using an energy efficient light bulb rather than a 60-watt incandescent bulb will save approximately  £20 in bulb costs, last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two-thirds less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat. If every UK household installed 3 Compact Fluorescent light bulbs, enough energy would be saved in a year to supply all street lighting in the UK12. I would say that this small change is indeed a very efficient method of reducing the effects of global warming and is very economically and environmentally viable. Local In cities such as London, a congestion charge has been put into action since the year 2002. Between 07:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, vehicles are charged for using particular roads in an area of London. This was introduced to encourage motorists to use their cars less, resulting in a decrease in emissions. On the first day 190,000 vehicles moved into or within the zone during charging hours, a decrease of around 25% on normal traffic levels, partly due to it also being the half-term school holiday8. However, this congestion charge area may backfire. I think that there would be, before and after the congestion charge was imposed in 2002, exactly the same number of vehicles wishing travel to destinations at these times, if not more. The tax may in turn bring the opposite to the desired effect- vehicles would travel a further distance around the area to avoid paying the money, thus increasing harmful emissions produced, not what the scheme was implemented for. Fig.4: The congestion charge area. Scenarios Local Case Study- Proactive There are many scenarios that could emerge as a result of the pressure from the local council and the national government alike. Telford and Wrekin council’s recycling scheme could be increased in capacity in relation to its success- we could see in the future more frequent collections, possibly once a week, and an even bigger reduction in the amount of waste this town sends to landfill, again reducing the effects of climate change. Another option for the future may be using more public transport than we do currently. In Telford, 2011, there were 84,671 cars and vans in the area16. That equates to an average of 1.3 cars or vans per household in the area. In addition, in Telford there are 1406 households with 4 or more cars16. If these 1406 households reduced down to one car and depended more on public transport, there would be 81,893 cars in the area, only a small reduction. Would depending on public transport more in this area then be worthwhile? Global Case Study Laissez Faire vs Proactive What if we do nothing? It is after all the cheapest option! Can ‘nature’ protect itself? If we consider unmanaged coastal erosion, nature usually ‘stops’ in time. Sea level rise will inevitably ‘drown’ low lying countries but it is a slow process, so we have time to relocate those people or to manage the effects eg building coastal defences to protect them. Alternatively, we look to generate power solely from renewable sources; this way, very few or no emissions will be released into the atmosphere. However, this doesn’t solve the here and now issue of the current emission levels! One viable solution for the future may be to avoid transporting goods far distances across the world, such as to the UK from China. But, factories will need to be built in the countries the goods are intended for in order to use less ‘air miles’. However, this is not completely feasible as some countries have very little room to accommodate the factories. It does however mean that the emissions impacts are felt in the place that created them, which is fairer than at present. Conclusion I believe that some of the best ways to combat the impacts of global warming include: Reduce- Re-use-Recycle – achievable by all global inhabitants Change/convert to energy efficient appliances – mostly applicable to NIC and MEDC residents Using fewer ‘air miles’ – mostly applicable to NIC and MEDC residents Increasing the use of public transport – applicable to most global urban inhabitants – but how do we convince them to leave their cars behind? The smallest changes can, collectively make the biggest difference. If everybody could pull together to address the issues surrounding global warming and climate change, I believe we can achieve a sustainable future. However, I feel that we need to better educate people so that they do not adopt the selfish, ‘couldn’t care less, not my problem’ approach. Bibliography Page 83, GCSE Geography OCR Specification B, Bowness, Ellen, Brazier, Joe et al,CGP, 2009

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Sweet Hereafter written by Banks :: essays research papers fc

Of all the novels I've read, not that I've read a lot, but 'The Sweet Hereafter';, written by Banks, is by far the best. I especially enjoyed the first person narration used. The plot in this novel was dependent on three main events: the bus accident, Mitchell Stevens, Esq. (the lawyer), and the testimony of Nichole Burnell.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The bus accident is first mentioned by the bus driver, Dolores Dricsoll. She talks about he past for a while and then goes on to describe the accident, '…it was then that I saw the dog…. I am almost sure it was an optical illusion or a mirage…. I had made my choice, as I wrenched the steering wheel to the right….';(Banks, 33,34) It turns out that the choice she made killed  ½ of the children on the bus. Dolores was let go from her job and alienated by her town, Sam Dent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In come the lawyers. After the accident everyone in town was mourning, and looking for some way to get over the pain. For a lot of these people, the answer was money; at least they thought it was. Mitchell Stevens Esq. was the lawyer most of the people in town chose to trust. He felt that he had a good negligence case against the state. The more he talked to his clients, the more they believed that he did. However, this was all put to rest when Nichole Burnell testified. Nicole was sitting the closest to Dolores at the time of the accident, and could see all the gauges, including the speedometer. Her testimony went a little like this, 'Yes I understand. Dolores was driving too fast, and it scared me…It seemed to me that we were going very fast down the hill there. I was scared…I know she was going seventy-two miles an hour. The speedometer is large and easy to see…'; With that testimony, Nichole put the law suits to rest. She didn't do it out of selfishness, but more out of the benefit for everyone in Sam Dent.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nike Creative Brief

Nike Creative Brief Key Fact:Nike is brand name that is well respected and has a long-standing history. The brand name Nike is almost synonymous with the word â€Å"sport† or the term â€Å"athlete. † Problem Communications Must Overcome:Nike is the leader in Textile – Footwear and Apparel, despite this Nike is still seen by some as unethical because of their labor practices overseas. Communications Objective:Nike hopes to change this perception without having to change its business model.By continuing to be the leader and setting the standard in the Textile – Footwear and Apparel category, Nike hopes to eventually disconnect itself from that negative perception. Principal Competition:Reebok: Smaller, but still lots of life, they own the rights to many professional sports uniforms such as the NFL and the NBA. Adidas: The most like Nike. They mostly make their living off of Soccer apparel and footwear. Under Armor: The up and coming brand, they have the edg e athletic wear that athletes wear under their uniforms.Target Audience:Demographics: People who are active, they like to go on a walk, run, or jog. Or people who are athletes. Psychographics: â€Å"I like to have the newest and freshest looking athletic wear. I’m not very price-sensitive as long as the product looks and feels good. † Dominant Leverage Point:Only Nike offers such a vast selection of athletic wear and footwear. The best of the best athletes such as LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan endorse Nike and have their own lines of apparel and shoes.Support (Reasons Why):Nike provides apparel and footwear to countries all over the world. Nike has the worlds greatest athletes endorsing their products. Nike has the largest line of products available to its customers. Tonality (Brand Soul):Fresh, flashy, fun, the best. The world’s best athletes wear Nike. Anticipated Consumer Response:â€Å"Dude I got these fresh new Nikes, let’s play some sports! † Mandatory and Policy Limitations:Nike Logo Nike Tagline: â€Å"Just do it† Web address: www. nike. com

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Motivation Concepts Analysis Essay

Individuals are motivated by many factors that drive them to the need to fulfill their goals, expectations and desires. In the workplace, I have witnessed, including evaluating my own driven behaviors that acquire a driven mental philosophy, we strive to meet not only our own expectations, but also the expectation of our peers or the outside world. This way of  thinking can lead to a very competitive working environment either to an agreeable or disagreeable environment. Emelander (2009) states that motivation within the workplace will rely on four distinctive motives, such as the drive to acquire and achieve expectations, drive to bond and be involved in like minded and/or desirable social groups, drive to learn and comprehend opportunities and challenges and the drive to defend yourself and that these â€Å"four drive theory is balance between and among drives so they can compliment and regulate each other†. For this reason, I chose Sigmund Freud’s theory of Drive. I chose the theory as I have seen many depictions of driven behaviors. As we have the need to eat, breath, sleep and etc.†¦ we live throughout life needing to progress, succeed, to rise above our expectations and desires. According to Sigmund Freud’s drive theory, the theory describes the motivation elements of driven behavior as â€Å"that all behavior was motivated and that the purpose of behavior was to serve the satisfaction of need,† along with drive mounting â€Å"as a sort of emergency warning system that action needed to be taken† (Reeve, 2009,). In this paper I will discuss how Sigmund Freud’s theory of drive would be applicable or not applicable applied in different working environments on the basis of experience. Applicable I provide consultation with a healthcare organization in the Northwest and there are circumstances that lead to stressful and not so successful moments due to individual’s motives, intent and reasons of which drives them to either comply or not comply for the needs of the business. There is much hype within the organization to bond to specific social groups reflecting your importance inside the company, yet, I have witnessed that their peers drive individuals as they share similar interest, behaviors, principles and other aspects of life. Our surroundings in the work place drive the need to feel a part of something, the feeling that your attributes are important and dependent on for success. Emelander (2009) says that the â€Å"drive to bond leads to interactions of healthy support among work teams, if supported with team-based rewards and professional goals† and â€Å"while the drive to bond is directed towards persons, the drive to learn relates mostly to work activi ties.† The bonding effect is not so promising within the workplace;  therefore, there is unbalance and hostility. The need to acquire status, acknowledgment, power and status is very high in this workplace. Individuals spend an extensive time competition with one another and by creating and relinquishing this disturbing behavior in the workplace, there are numerous occasions where business decisions are not allocated, there is a break in communication and the effectiveness of completion of projects are undesirable. Status is displayed as an importance by the car you drive, the home you live in, the bigger the office and freedom that comes from working hard specifically to weep the benefits by gaining a bigger check. Therefore, this leaves other being drawn to desire that lifestyle an image and work harder and adapting to motives to climb the ladder no matter the backs you step on. Hence, to receive that drive which also includes â€Å"physical objects and wealth, relating to gathering the necessities for survival and social relationships, concerning the acquisitions of status, accomplishments a nd power† (Emelander, 2009). While, they struggle with the wrong side of drive in some cases, they do implement opportunities to learn and create some type of bonding relationships. The organizations is rapidly growing and their perspective is: to utilize the staff they have, provide them training, education opportunities and promotion opportunities based on their knowledge or aggressive to learn, comprehend what you’ve learned and apply. While this opportunity exist, I have overheard and seen the reluctantly to grasp opportunities to avoid riding the wagon of destruction due to destructive competition in the workplace. Drive can be a good attribute or element within ourselves and can be very powerful, yet, if it’s not appropriately balanced with other components to offset destructive behaviors, we can only continue to see companies discusses for this example to rise and have major behavioral and moral conflict. It can be damaging â€Å"when one drive dominates, leading to unbalanced personal and organization outcomes† and can â€Å"lead to destructive competition, and over-stimulate of the drive to defend to paranoia† (Emelander, 2009). Nonetheless, I have worked with organizations, where the drive motives were  balanced and individuals held healthier relationships. There was a high drive to obtain higher paid positions so that you can obtain more money to spend on items to reflect your status, yet it was displayed as the main factor of shoving a foot in the door. The competition was moderate and due to the working environment, only a few individuals wanted to enter into new realms of status, as other employees worked hard as they enjoyed the bonuses due to their performance. I’ve noticed, some people have the driven within themselves to do just exemplary work because it is a part of them; it is who they are. They enjoy working in teams, can fit in any social class simply due to what they show and mirror. Not Applicable I work part-time at my mother’s cafà © on the weekends and the making and living my mother’s dream is not written by drive per se. Though, I believe that drive is an element in every theory in one fashion or another. There is no need to desire certain status groups, as we cater to all status groups, all demographical areas as we want to share an experience, but one that provides a relaxing, warming and spiritual atmosphere. In this place, it does not matter what car you or I drive, what social group you and I belong to or reasons to defend. I believe that the cafà © functions are more towards the achievement theory, which in some cases can be assumed to be a driven theory. Our pleasure is the heart of our brain. We want to provide an atmosphere where people can be a part of a family of spiritual values and though our beliefs may be different from many others, this is still the place to come and express you freely. The fear to fail is what we cause us to thrive or increase our anxiety to regroup and execute to be better. So in terms, drive is not the only factor. Conclusion Drive is a contributor trigger motivation. Drive can be either healthy or unhealthy. In my three experience and many others, I’ve witness how drive can be either destructive or successful. I learned as well that drive rest alive in many theories available. We are driven to act according to fulfilling our needs and wants. However, it is based on how you motivate yourself because if you cannot motivate yourself how else are you going to  succeed or even motivate others around. References Emelander, S. (2009) The Four Drive Theory in the Workplace. Retrieved from Reeve, J. (2009) Understanding motivation and emotions. Week One supplements. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY320-Human Motivation.

George Stubbs

George Stubbs was born in Liverpool on August 25, 1724. He worked for his dad until 16 when his dad passed away. Then he was briefly apprenticed to a painter and a engraver, which is where he began learning about art. Since then, as an artist he was self-taught. In the 1740s he worked as a portrait painter in the North of England. Ever since he was a child he also had an interest in anatomy. He studied human anatomy for six years at York County Hospital. All of these things mentioned helped George Stubbs build up to his highest potential. Later in the 1750s he rented a farmhouse and stayed there for 18 months. There he spent time dissecting horses to learn all about their bodies. In 1766 he published, The anatomy of the Horse. The original drawings are now in the collection of the Royal Academy. Even before the printing of his book, patrons recognized that his work was better than earlier horse painters. In 1759 the 3rd Duke of Richmond commissioned three large pictures from him, and his career was now secure. He had soon produced art for many more dukes and lords and was able to buy a house in Marylebone, a fancy part of London. His most famous work is the Whistlejacket, a painting of a prancing horse. In the 760s he made a large range of single and group portraits of horses, sometimes with hounds. He often painted horses with their grooms. He also continued to accept commissions for portraits and group portraits of people. George Stubbs also painted more exotic animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, monkeys, and rhinoceroses. The last painting George Stubbs was working on was a comp arative piece of art. It had the structure of the human body with a tiger, and a common bird. George Stubbs never finished this project. He died on July 10th 1806 in London. Overall, George Stubbs was a great artist and he set the basis for painting animals.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Controversy Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Controversy Analysis - Research Paper Example This is a contentious subject since it grants an individual user unrestricted freedom in terms of quantity and mode of marijuana usage. Arizona currently enjoys the license for medicinal purposes. It is arguable that legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes is feasible in Arizona. There are notable social costs of marijuana prohibition. For instance, FBI reports indicate that 658, 000 arrests, in 2012, occurred due to marijuana use as compared to 256, 000 for heroine and related drugs (The New York Times 1). This is coupled with a jammed judicial system that cannot manage the many cases reported daily. In addition, jailing of marijuana users impose huge costs on state governments. Many reports indicate that such arrests are racially inclined as they fall disproportionately on the black and Latino population. A social crisis sets in such populations as young people spend their productive time in jails. This limits their chances at later economic success thereby creating a generation of low-income earners. Scientists have uncovered mild problems with marijuana in terms of addiction and dependence thereby proving as less harmful as alcohol. In addition, research has found out that there is limited correlation between violent crime and marijuana usage. This is un like the popular opinion that marijuana usage increases the risk of harmful activities such as marriage violence (Costa 1). It is crucial to underscore the fact that marijuana usage is common in the American states in spite of the typical government detestation of the drug. The animosity towards cannabis sativa has always existed alongside its common use in the US. For instance, the glorification of marijuana in American music videos attests to the fact that in spite of an abhorrent government, marijuana usage remains a common feature of the American landscape. Legalization of marijuana in

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Analysis of the story Revelation by Flannery O'Connor where you argue Essay

Analysis of the story Revelation by Flannery O'Connor where you argue a theme - Essay Example This conversation, which is in the form of a rude question, reproduces Mrs. Turpins self-absorbed nature. It is expected of a Christian to be polite and patient when talking to other people regardless of their race, age, and tribe. The character that Mrs. Turpin reveals is that of rudeness and racism. Rather than Mrs. Turpin having a concern for the girls fitness, she is absorbed on how the girls whereabouts and attitude reveal about her. In another angle, it also infers that Mrs. Turpin distinguishes Mary Graces union and closeness to God in that instant they converse (OConnor 15). This informs a reader of the story that indeed Mrs. Turpin deserves a good revelation which she is given, though it is unusual and not to her surprise she expected. These words motivate Mrs. Turpins need for a revelation at the conclusion of the story, when she realizes herself, Claud, and those of the same socioeconomic rank bringing up the rearmost of the march to Heaven. Although they are saved, they need follow persons whom Mrs. Turpin has well-thought-out to be beneath her. The young girl’s eyes are important as signs of her ruling of Mrs. Turpin and of her capability to communicate a holy message from God. The fat young girl as described in the story has violent eyes that resemble "alternately to smoulder and to blaze." When Grace begins to be impatient with her own mother and with the rude Mrs. Turpin, she bangs her book and stares fiercely at Mrs. Turpin. The writer puts it that the girl’s eyes "seemed peculiar light, an unnatural light similar night road signs give." This contrast to road signs is the foretelling that there is a serious event that will take place. The sentence also contrasts Grace’s eyes with the girls potential to send a crucial message and that guides a revelation to Mrs. Turpin. As Mrs. Turpin is seated and thinking about the hopelessness of helping patients, for example, whom she calls â€Å"the white-trash woman,† Mary Graces eyes

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 9

Research Paper Example Yet, regardless of the motivation that exists for encouraging individuals to join street gangs, the fact of the matter is that participation and juvenile membership in street gangs has noticed a marked increase in the past several years time. Whereas other types of crime have slowly been decreasing, crimes associated with gain participation, membership, initiation rites, and all of the other aspects that go alongside this have statistically increased at an alarming rate. Gang crime also provides an additional headache for law enforcement as well as the justice system due to the fact that locating and prosecuting juvenile gang members for crimes committed on behest of the gang is oftentimes difficult if not impossible due to the completely unknown structure of the game that exists as well as the near impossibility of penetrating these criminal organizations to gain valuable intelligence. As such, seeking to understanding causal relationships and criminal theory that ultimately explain such behavior has been a fundamental research goal of criminologists and social scientists of late. Accordingly, the following analysis will review the â€Å"strain theory† as it relates to juvenile gang membership. Bureaucratic organized crime exhibits a number of tell-tale marks that help to differentiate it from the more commonly known and recognized patron-client networks of organized crime. One analyst noted the following: â€Å"Juvenile crime is unique in that it oftentimes exhibits a level of organization that is clearly not seen with respect to other types of crime throughout the system† (Goddard et al., 2000). However, just because bureaucratic organized crime may be less recognizable, it does not mean in any way that it exists to a lesser degree in our society. A few of the most recognizable aspects of bureaucratic organized crime is

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case study - Financial Report on Candescent Partners buying Physician

- Financial Report on Candescent Partners buying Physician practices - Case Study Example Moreover, this investment approach is beneficial for the company to focus more on business expansion and thereby get closer to its long term business goals. Introduction Candescent Partners, LLC is an investment/management company specialized in business expansion activities like buyouts, growth capital, middle market, mezzanine debt investments, and recapitalization. The company was founded by Steve Jenks and Sandy McGrath in 2009 at Boston in the United States. The company is very interested to invest in healthcare, IT sector, software services, consumer products, and business and technology enabled services. Candescent Partners is exploring investment opportunities in US and Canada based companies. As per its investment policy, the company’s investments may range from $2 million to $30 million and the firm tends to invest in companies having a revenue range of $10 million -$50 million, EBITDA between $2million and $10 million, and an enterprise value between $10 million and $75 million (â€Å"Company Overview of Candescent Partners†). Candescent Partners maintains a board seat in companies where it has investments. It is interesting to note that the organization raises funds for investments through personal capital. This paper will focus on the healthcare sector investments of the Candescent Partners by giving specific reference to the financial aspects of buying physician group practices such as Koch Eye in RI. Candescent Partners’ Investments in Healthcare Currently, the organization has managed an amount worth over $600 million of private equity investments in 44 private growing companies (Candescent Partners website). In this, a notable percent of private equity investments is accounted for healthcare technology and services. Some of the major physician practices bought by the firm are described below. 1. Koch Eye Associates Koch Eye Associates, one of the leading providers of comprehensive vision care services in Rhode Island, was a cquired by Candescent Partners in January 2012. Candescent Partners led this business acquisition in association with other co-investors including Pine Street Capital Partners, First New England Capital, Bush O’Donnell Capital Partners, and BCA Mezzanine Fund, LP. The Koch Eye Associates possesses its own surgery center and offers vision care services ranging from basic optometry to LASIK and cataract surgery. In addition, the organization