Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hersheys Continued Use of Unethical Practices Forced...

| Forced Child Labor | Hershey’s Continued Use of Unethical Practices | | Jared Bevier | 2/16/2012 | Business Ethics Rasmussen College Winter Quarter | â€Å"Worldwide, 126 million children work in hazardous conditions, often enduring beatings, humiliation, and sexual violence by their employers.† (â€Å"Child Labor Facts†, 2011) Hershey’s Cocoa has been targeted by U.S. protestors, Global Exchange, Green America, The International Labor Rights Forum, and Oasis USA for failing to eliminate exploitative child labor from its cocoa production supply chain. The illegal use of child labor in chocolate production must stop. Chocolate produced by children is not only unethical it is a crime.†¦show more content†¦Hershey needs to practice more ethical behavior when it comes to choosing their suppliers. They need to implement checks and balances that ensure that children are not being used in the production of their products. On a societal level the issues that need to be addressed are the fact that child labor is illegal, the fact that it applies to a large number of people, and also that child labor eli cits norm violations in our society. Our constitution strongly prohibits child labor by mandating that children receive a proper education and the right to live as children. Moreover, it is a societal problem because our society rejects child labor, yet its condition persists. Children no matter where they live should not be exposed to the harshness and injustices in this world; children should be supported and not the ones supporting; children should be protected and children should be allowed the basic right to enjoy life. Hershey has been accused of â€Å"greewashing† the problem instead of trying to fix it. They need to take steps to ensure that child labor is not used in their supply chains. There are actions that Hershey can take to stop the use of child labor. One action that can be taken is that Hershey needs to make certain that their supply chain meets industry standards. They need to begin by tracing their supply chain back to the farm level, sourcing only from farmers who can show through independent verification thatShow MoreRelatedRogers Chocolate Analysis21131 Words   |  85 PagesTraditional Assortment | Dark Chocolate Empress Squares | After Dinner Mints Rogers Mint Imperials Assortment | | Baking Fondue ROGERS FAMOUS CHOCOLATE NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME-BAKING Those who love to bake, and bake well, will only use the finest ingredients in their recipes. Rogers new premium baking chocolate is the perfect addition to anyone s favorite recipe; whether it s a chocolate soufflà ©, classic chocolate chunk cookies, better caffe mocha or simply a cup of gourmet hotRead MoreAccounting 1-4 Chapter100452 Words   |  402 PagesDecision Toolkit Review Summary of Study Objectives Work Comprehensive Do it! p. 23 Answer Self-Test Questions Complete Assignments Go to WileyPLUS for practice and tutorials Read A Look at IFRS p. 42 study objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Describe the primary forms of business organization. 2 Identify the users and uses of accounting information. 3 Explain the three principal types of business activity. 4 Describe the content and purpose of each of the financial statements

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Great Gatsby Color Symbolism - 2467 Words

During the 1920’s, many people would disguise themselves through the identities of someone else. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main characters can be seen â€Å"hiding† behind the symbolism of different colors. Color affects the mood, emphasizes the importance of events in a novel, and can also interact with the personalities of the characters. The concept of color symbolism is prominent in the novel. White, yellow, blue, green, and even the color black affect the atmosphere of scenes through association with a specific mood, and also through the actions of the characters. The color white is associated with purity and innocence. Gatsby and Nick, the main male characters in the story, can be affiliated with this†¦show more content†¦When Gatsby was stopped by the police for speeding, he got out of it by â€Å"taking a white card from his wallet, and waving it before the man’s eyes† (Fitzgerald 68). This here shows how innocent Gatsby can be, just by using something white. When we turn our focus to Nick, we see that he believes that he himself in the most honest person he knows, and how he is usually dressed in white to symbolize his innocence. An important event in the novel is when Nick goes to Gatsby’s party for the first time, â€Å"Dressed up in white flannels, I went over to his lawn a little after seven† (Fitzgerald 47). Nick dressing in white symbolizes how he is immaculate, unlike the others at the party who could be labeled as corrupt. â€Å"White traditionally symbolizes purity, and there is no doubt that Fitzgerald wants to underscore the ironic disparity between the purity of the characters, and their actual corruption† (Schneider 146). The color yellow can be connected with the symbolism of greed, desire for wealth, and â€Å"old money†. Corruption is also distinctly represented by yellow, but death is also a key to yellows dark symbolism. The color yellow can be seen around a tragic death. The first time this is seen is when Myrtle is killed. She is the mistress of Tom, and is also married to a man named George Wilson. Myrtle was killed by Gatsby’s yellow Rolls Royce, in front of her yellow brick house, and under the yellow spectacled eyes of Dr.Show MoreRelatedColor Symbolism In The Great Gatsby802 Words   |  4 Pages In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, color symbolism is stronger throughout the entire book. There are multiple colors that allow the book to come together as a whole. There can be many different interpretations or opinions on which colo rs are important. The color symbolism in The Great Gatsby is represented by the colors green, gold, and black. Green is the color that begins the story. A man not known in the beginning, but surely known at end by the name of Jay Gatsby, reaching out to an â€Å"incorruptibleRead MoreColor Symbolism In The Great Gatsby737 Words   |  3 PagesColor express mood and stresses importance of events in a novel. In the Great Gatsby, the symbolism of color is a crucial one. Yellow, white, and green all affect the mood of this novel. Showing how the colors describe the person or thing both physically, and emotionally. The color white was first introduced when Nick meets Tom, and they both walk into this open room where Jordan and Daisy laid in white dresses. â€Å"They were both in white†¦ around the house†(8). The color white in connected to theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby- Color Symbolism2136 Words   |  9 PagesThe Power of Color Colors are used many different ways by many different people, but are used mainly as a reflection of the way one feels or his or her own personality. This idea is depicted through the different characters created in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, set in the post-World War I era. The novel evinces the major themes through the use and explanation of many diverse colors. Jay Gatsby, the most significant character in the story, leads a very materialistic lifestyle. HopingRead MoreEssay On Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby1048 Words   |  5 Pages Euphrates Sackey 9-21-17 English 1011 Z83 Professor Brosh Response to Driving to Destruction with the Rich and Careless at the Wheel Color-Symbolism in The Great Gatsby There is no understanding The Great Gatsby if you do not have at least a basic grasp of the main motifs that are present. Automobiles and colors are two main driving factors in F. Scott Fitzgeralds work and these two ideas work together as well. Many readers are so wowed by the vivid imagery included in this classic thatRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Symbolism Essay748 Words   |  3 PagesIn Fitzgerald’s â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, color symbolism is used throughout the entire book. There are many different colors that allow the book to come together as a whole. Although various, there are key colors that stand out in the book. There can be many different interpretations or opinions on which colors, but it can be represented by three key colors. The color symbolism in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† is represented by the colors green, gold, and black. The color green is the color that begins the storyRead MoreEssay On Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby994 Words   |  4 Pagescharacters and their stories. As a result, everything from the start to finish is set for a reason. A great example of this is Great Gatsby. F.Scott Fitzgerald named his characters to create subtle imagery to describe their personality and status. The name and color symbolism techniques he uses allow the audience to pick up and realize some hints to author’s message as they read. In Great Gatsby, there is only two types of women: the wealthy, upper-class East Egg and the lower-class Myrtle fromRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Imagery Symbolism Essay1166 Words   |  5 PagesColor imagery in The Great Gatsby is vital to the books storyline. If there was no color imagery then the reader could not associate a certain person or thing with a color or idea. Fitzgerald uses the color so people can remember the person more than just their name. The use of color imagery greatly impacts the story line. One of the main colors in The Great Gatsby is white. White represents the innocence and purity in the book. Daisy and Jordan are first introduced wearing white. It makes you thinkRead MoreGreat Gatsby Color Symbolism Essay931 Words   |  4 PagesColors can be symbolic of infinite various things. Artists take this truth into attention while selecting the colors they use in their paintings; as these colors are used to generate emotions inside their target market. Identical to an artist, F. Scott Fitzgerald makes use of light and color in his masterpiece to create float and harmony. There is, however, an additional, extensive motive for his use of light and coloration symbolism. Fitzgerald uses lights and hues to focus on the critical battleRead MoreColors and Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1290 Words   |  6 PagesSymbolism is the use of symbols to supply things with a representative meaning or to represent something abstract by an existing object. In the nove l The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, colours are used to symbolize a person’s inner thoughts and feelings. Colours, such as green, white are used to find ones true feelings; while others use colours to hide their true persona. Colour symbolism is used to convey a deeper message to the readers and help us understand the characters true colours. Read More Color Symbolism in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay example2801 Words   |  12 PagesColors are an essential part of the world around us. They can convey messages, expressing that which words do not. Gentle blue tones can calm a person and bright yellows can lift the spirits. If an artist is trying to express sorrow or death he often uses blacks blues, and grays basically he uses dreary colors. Without one word, a driver approaching a red traffic light knows to stop. Colors are representative of many things. In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses color symbolism

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency free essay sample

If we can find a way in which music benefits studying and comprehension, we can involve music in our studies thus enhancing the enjoyment of time studying as well as enhancing our earning abilities. Music is powerful. It has the potential to evoke emotions and personality. Because of the profound effects music has on the human race, It has been a common link been. en cultures around the world for centuries. Not only does music provide entertainment and beautiful sounds, but it has an amazing effect on memory and learning.It has been found that people who study music have better Spas and are higher achievers than those who arent involved in music. It is also true that Hungary, Japan and the Netherlands are the top three academic countries in the world and they all lace a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. With that fact, the United States should promote music education in all students and stress the importance of music from an early age when children are curious and adventurous. We will write a custom essay sample on How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Through recent scientific studies there has been a much greater understanding on music and it?s psychological effects.There have been countless studies performed to understand the complex correlation of the complicated brain and music. For example, in a study performed by Mark Tartan, David Harvested, and Adrian North, the men ought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music. In the study, they played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing their subjects immediately following their workout. They offered the participants the ability to help out a charity, thus examining the affect that the music had on them. They measured two different groups, those who listened to annoying music and those who listened to uplifting music.The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive, while the people who listened to the annoying music were short-tempered and unhelpful. Another famous study has dealt with how Mozart?s masterpieces help concentration and memorization when studying for academics. It has been found in many different studies that because of the mathematical rhythms in Mozart?s musical pieces, mental clarity is enhanc ed, therefore improving study skills. After researching this study, our group was able to construct our own hypothesis.The study also made us more hopeful that our hypothesis would turn our conclusive. An experiment performed by Teresa Leslie dealt with the effect of listening to music on work performance. She concluded that quality of work and time-on-task work was least efficient with no music. Her experiment showed that people produce more quality work while listening to music and they finish their work faster when listening to music. It also stated that work environments with music help employee moods. This study helps our experiment, but lacks the difference in music genres on work efficiency. With our experiment, we will be able to take this specific study even further by finding out what specific genre of music helps work efficiency and mood. Exploring multiple sources and studies performed by other scientists has only eloped strengthen our own experiment and shed light onto different facets of our study. With the help of outside information, we hope to provide a well constructed experiment with reliable results. From our research, we have built a vast base of knowledge on not only musics effects on the mind, but mood, tension, and other factors which could possibly hinder our experiment.The knowledge we have gained on the diverse human responses to various genres of music have helped support our belief that music can in fact have both beneficial and harmful consequences. Our study seeks to examine not only our narrowly defined question, but several broader inquiries. Walking into King Library, there are a vast number of students hard at work while tuned into their pods. In our study, we seek to examine what genre of music will be most beneficial. On a larger scale however, our study examines several broader topics and has many far reaching effects on students lives.The study will work to reach conclusions on how students can improve academic performance as well as comprehension and mental efficiency. In researching this topic, we have come across many studies that also explore the link teen music and the mind. Harvested, David, Mark Tartan, and Adrian North. The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior. Environment and Behavior 36 (2004). 10 Seep 2005 . This was an extremely beneficial study was performed on this topic by Mark Tartan, David Harvested, and Adrian North. These men sought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music.They played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing music had on them. They had two different groups which they measured those who listened to annoying music and those who listened were exposed to uplifting music. The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive. Weinberg, Norman . The Mozart Effect: A Small Part of the Big Picture. 7 deed. Sacramento: Regents of the University of California, 2000. One particular article we came across examined the effect of classical musics mathematical rhythms.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Government Planned To A Free Economy †Free Samples For Students

Question: Discuss About The Government Planned To A Free Economy? Answer: Introduction China has had an outstanding period of rapid growth since it changed from a government planned to a free economy. It is currently an upper middle-income country with compound development needs where the Bank is playing a critical role. By 2015, China had accomplished the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and played a central role in the achievement of the MDGs across the globe. With a populace of approximately 1.3 billion, China has the second biggest economy and is performing an indispensable role in the development of the world economy(The World Bank, 2017). Chinas top industries incorporate mining and ore processing, cement, textiles and apparel, machine building, chemicals, and petroleum. Electrical machinery, furniture, and industrial machinery are some of China's top exported goods with United States, Japan, and Hong Kong being the top trading partners(Globaledge, 2017). Despite rapid economic development, the countrys GDP per capita is still below the global standards. Other notable issues facing China include rapid urbanization, an aging population, and challenges to environmental sustainability(Cui, 2017). Therefore, this paper explores the economic progress of China between 2000 and 2016. Key economic indicators analyzed include the GDP growth rate, unemployment, GDP per capita and inflation. Production Output Performance Analysis Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product is a measure used to assess annual variations in the inflation-adjusted prices of the total commodities created in an economy. It is a full appraisal of economic development and a vital indicator of the health of an economy over the short term and long term. Since the Gross Domestic Product depicts the economic progress of a country, it permits the policymakers to establish whether an economy needs a restraint or boost(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). GDP Growth Rate GDP growth rate refers to the yearly percentage fluctuations in the Gross Domestic Product of a nation. This measure is one of the instruments used to understand if the countrys economy is expanding or deteriorating. Additionally, the investors depend on the GDP growth rate to adjust asset allotment in their portfolios(McTaggart, Findlay, Parkin, 2015). Those economies whose GDP growth rate is stable are known to attract more investors for their stocks and corporate bonds. Chinas GDP Growth Rate (2000-2016) Chart 1: Data retrieved from The World Bank On the graph one above, it is clear that China has recorded a remarkable economic growth. Before the global economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009, China's economy grew steadily and managed to reach 14.23% in 2007. However, on the onset of the financial crisis, the countrys economic growth rate reduced to 9.65% in 2008 and further dropped in 2009 to 9.40%(The World Bank, 2017). Although many economies across the globe such as Japan and Singapore went into recession during the global financial crisis, China managed to escape this economic downturn. Chinas ability to avoid the recession is associated with several factors. Foremost, China went into the crisis in an entirely unique position compared to other economies. For instance, the country was having a budget surplus and had been increasing the interest rates to scale back excessive growth. The financial institutions in this country had restricted consumer spending and excessive credit. Moreover, when the crisis began, the Chine se government adopted aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus which played a vital role in re-accelerating the economy. The government lowered the interest rates, relaxed restrictions on credit and increased government expenditure with the view of boosting household consumption(Xu, 2016). Since the Great Depression of 2009, China's economic growth has remained above 6.70%. This outstanding growth is as a result of sound government policies. GDP per Capita Analysis GDP per capita is an economic measurement that depicts the economic output for every person in a country. This analysis distributes the Gross Domestic Product with the overall population in an economy. Hence, GDP per capita provides an excellent estimate of the living standards of people in a given country. Additionally, GDP per capita is used by economists to compare the strength of different economies all over the world(Sloman, Wride, Garratt, 2015). In most cases, the advanced economies have higher GDP per capita than the less developed and developing countries. Chinas Versus Australias GDP Per Capita (Constant 2010 US$) Chart 2: Data retrieved from The World Bank The chart two above displays the GDP per capita of China and Australia between 2000 and 2016. It is evident that Australias GDP per capita significantly surpasses that of China. For example, in 2016, China's GDP per capita stood at 6,894,464 U.S Dollars while that of Australia was 55,670,924 U.S Dollars(The World Bank, 2017). This scenario shows that the residents of Australia have higher living standards than that of Chinese. It can also be noted that the GDP per capita of both nations is increasing gradually and hence continued improvement in their living standards. Government Measures to Accelerate Economic Growth Infrastructure Development The expansion of infrastructure in China has always been the central focus for the leadership in the economic enhancement initiatives. The fundamentals under which additional infrastructure is being constructed incorporates guaranteeing sustained fast economic increase with airports, roads, energy, water, railway, and rural projects receiving considerable investment. The unrelenting expansion of city-wide metro networks and high-speed rail are prime instances of China's aspirations to boost its transport systems further to profit the wider economy(Shiu, Li, Woo, 2016). Tax Incentives for Small Businesses In the recent years, the Chinese government has been issuing tax breaks to small enterprises with a view of reducing the corporate burden to support economic progress. For instance, from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2019, the small ventures with a yearly taxable income that does not exceed 73,599 U.S Dollars will be entitled to tax preferences. During this period, the small businesses that are eligible will have their corporate income tax base reduced by half with a tax rate of 20%(Cui, 2017). Moreover, the government is continually streamlining the tax structure to establish a simpler and a more transparent tax system. Improving Education and Training Better education and training are vital for the growth and improvement of the economy, especially over the long term. Education avails the required human resource to provide labor and stir the productivity of the country. As a result, the Chinese government gives priority to education and training in its development strategy. The government is persistently investing in learning, research and development to enhance efficiency in the economy and stimulate economic growth and development(Cui, 2017). Labor Market Analysis Meaning and Types of Unemployment The term unemployment is used to refer to a state where eager and able to work persons are incapable of finding employment at the existing wage rate. Unemployment is an issue not only among less developed economies but also in rising and higher economies. The typical types of unemployment in an economy include frictional, cyclical, and structural unemployment(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). Frictional Unemployment Frictional unemployment arises in a country when recruits are moving between jobs or when fresh graduates enter the labor market and remain jobless for some time before securing employment. Frictional unemployment often last for a short term and is a natural part of job search(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). Also, this kind of unemployment is facilitated by the lack of perfect information in the labor market and exists in all countries. Structural Unemployment Structural unemployment results from structural changes. When modifications take place in the formation of an economy can cause skill discrepancy and therefore structural unemployment. The mechanization of duties at the place of work is known to result in this type of unemployment as machines replace the use of human labor(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). In such circumstances, the affected workers find it difficult re-employed unless they are retrained. Cyclical Unemployment Cyclical unemployment is an unintentional category of unemployment that is caused by too little demand for products in an economy. This unemployment is occasionally called Keynesian demand deficient unemployment(Goodwin, Nelson, Harris, 2014). It often occurs during recessions when firms close down or lay off some workers. Chinas Unemployment Trend Chart 3: Data retrieved from The World Bank From 2000 to 2007, the unemployment rate in China declined gradually. In 2000 unemployment was 4.53% whereas in 2007 the unemployment stood at 3.76%. However, on the beginning of the worldwide financial crisis, the unemployment started rising. In 2008 and 2009 the unemployment was 4.36% and 4.29% respectively. Since then, unemployment has ranged between 4% and 4.6%(The World Bank, 2017). Government Measures to Curb Unemployment Support for Small and Medium Sized ventures The small and micro businesses play a significant role in accelerating employment creation, improving economic expansion, and scientific innovation. As a result, the Chinese government is actively supporting the expansion of SMEs. The support focuses on the healthy development of SMEs from several aspects such as finance, human resources development, funding, taxation, innovative development, and market exploration. For example, Peoples Bank of China has been guiding the financial institutions to expand to the SMEs(Cui, 2017). Developing the Service Industry Due to the importance of the service sector in an economy, the government of China has put in place measures to boost this particular industry. For instance, in 2013, the government issued a policy for enhancing senior services, promoting the integrated improvement of creative and cultural industries as well as promoting information consumption to inspire domestic demand(Cui, 2017). Strengthening Public Employment Service Public employment service plan focuses on availing an equal access to public occupation services for both the rural and urban people as well as free job services to laborers. Besides, the government agencies hire the services of professional intermediaries and support them to provide employment services through occupation referral subsidy. Price Level Analysis Meaning and Roots of Inflation Inflation refers to the continual rise in the general prices of commodities in an economy. Cost-push and demand-pull influences usually cause inflation. The cost-push factors include those influences that make the cost of doing businesses to shoot up. For example, an increase in the cost of labor and other key inputs like oil leads to cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation is caused by those incidences that increase the amount of money in circulation. Some of these incidences include that cause demand-pull inflation incorporates purchase of government bonds, reduction in the interest rates and growth in public expenditure(Sloman, Wride, Garratt, 2015). Chinas Inflation Trend Chart 4: Data retrieved from The World Bank In 2000 and 2001, China registered low levels of inflation, that is, 0.26% and 0.72% and then went into deflation in 2002 (-0.77). Between 2003 and 2008 the inflation in this country remained below 6% before going into deflation again in 2009 due to the effects of the Great Depression. Since then, the inflation in China has been maintained below 6% with 2015 recording the lowest rate, 1.44%(The World Bank, 2017). Government Measures to Attain Stable Prices The Chinese government often combines monetary and fiscal policies to curb inflation. When inflation rises above the target, the government makes use of contractionary policies. For instance, the government can increase the interest rate, reduce its expenditure or sell government assets to shrink the amount of currency in circulation. On the other hand, when inflation is very low, the government deploys expansionary instruments(Xu, 2016). For example, the government may raise the interest rates, buy government assets or reduce its expenditure. Conclusion China has the second leading economy and is undertaking an essential role in the improvement of the global economy. Since 2000, China has registered a remarkable economic growth untouched by the recession. Aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus which the government initiated during the 2008-2009 global financial crises played a vital role in re-accelerating the economy, and thus China avoided an economic downturn. Chinas unemployment rate has been below 5% with relatively stable prices. However, China's GDP per capita is still below the global standards. Some of the measures the government has put in place to boost economic growth and increase employment creation include infrastructure development, providing tax incentives for small businesses and developing the service industry. Finally, monetary and fiscal instruments are deployed to guarantee stable prices. References Cui, W. (2017). Social Trust, Institution, and Economic Growth: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance Trade , 1243-1261. Globaledge. (2017). China: Economy. Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from Globaledge: Goodwin, N. R., Nelson, J. A., Harris, J. (2014). Macroeconomics in context. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. McTaggart, D., Findlay, C. C., Parkin, M. (2015). Economics. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson. Shiu, A., Li, R., Woo, C.-K. (2016). Economic Growth and Infrastructure Investments in Energy and Transportation: A Causality Interpretation of China's Western Development Strategy. Energy Journal , 211-222. Sloman, J., Wride, A., Garratt, D. (2015). Economics (9th ed.). Harlow : Pearson. The World Bank. (2017). GDP growth (annual %). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World bank. (2017). GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017). Inflation, consumer prices (annual %). Retrieved August 9th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017, March 28). The World Bank In China . Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from The World Bank. (2017). Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate). Retrieved August 8th, 2017, from The World Bank: Xu, H. (2016). Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth in China: New Evidence from Panel Data. Emerging Markets Finance Trade , 724-732.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Quebecs Quiet Revolution Essays - Politics Of Quebec, Free Essays

Quebecs Quiet Revolution Essays - Politics Of Quebec, Free Essays Quebecs Quiet Revolution Quebec's Quiet revolution: What is it? How has it changed Quebec's society? How has it affected Confederation? The English-French relations have not always been easy. Each is always arguing and accusing the other of wrong doings. All this hatred and differences started in the past, and this Quiet revolution, right after a new Liberal government led by Jean Lesage came in 1960. Thus was the beginning of the Quiet Revolution. Lesage had an excellent team of cabinet ministers which included Rene Levesque. The Liberals promised to do two things during the Quiet Revolution; one was to improve economic and social standards for the people of Quebec, and the other was to win greater respect and recognition for all the French people of Canada. The Liberals started a program to take control of hydro-electric power companies. French-Canadian engineers from all over Canada returned to Quebec to work on the project. Slogans during these times were we can do it and masters in our own homes. The government also started to replace programs the Church previously ran, which included hospital insurance, pension schemes and the beginning of Medi-Care. For these programs, the Quebec Liberals had to struggle with Ottawa for a larger share of the tax dollars. One of the greatest reforms was the modernization of the entire school system. The Church used to own the schools of Quebec. Most of the teachers were Priests, Nuns and Brothers. They provided a good education but Quebec needed more in business and technology. Lesage wanted a government-run school system that would provide Quebec with people in engineering, science, business and commerce. With the new freedom of expression, lots of books, plays and music about French culture were all developed in Quebec. French contemporary playwrights were very famous during that time. However, not all was going well in Quebec. The French-English relation was going bad. Many studies showed that French-Canadian Quebecers were earning the lowest wage in all of the ethnic groups in Canada. Other complaints were that the top jobs in Quebec were given to English speaking Canadians. Canada was going through the worst crisis in its history, and unless equal partnership was found a break-up would likely happen. Some Quebecers thought that separation was the only solution. They thought that as long as Quebec was associated with the rest of Canada, French-Canadians would never be treated equal. The FLQ (Front De Liberation Du Quebec) was founded in 1963. It was a smaller, more forceful group of separatists. They were a collection of groups of young people whose idea was to use terrorism to achieve independence for Quebec. The ALQ (Arm de Liberation de Quebec) was even more of a violent separatist group. Some of their actions included robbing banks in order to get money. For their ammunition they had to raid arms depots of the Canadian Armed Forces. There were many Federalists that believed that separatism had no future and that French-Canadians could play a role in a bilingual Canada. There were three Quebec men that believed in Federalism. These men were Liberals and their names were Pierre Trudeau, Jean Marchand and Gerard Pelletier. The President of France, General De Gaulle came to Quebec in 1967 and gave speeches to separatist groups that deemed him an enthusiast of the thoughts of the separatists in the struggle to fight for the liberation of Quebec. The Prime Minister at the time, Lester B. Pearson, criticized De Gaulle's remarks and said that Quebec belonged to Canada and there was no need for their liberation. In 1970, British Trade Commissioner James R. Cross was kidnapped by FLQ and wanted in return for Cross, 23 political prisoners. Quebec Labour Minister, Pierre Laporte was also kidnapped which started a Quebec crisis. After a few months Cross returned when Laporte was assassinated. The Quebec crisis ended several years of violence in Quebec. This crisis made many Quebecers upset because Ottawa sent the army into Quebec. Therefore English-French turmoil did not end. Rene Levesque was a leader who became very popular in Quebec with his views on independence. In 1976, Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois won the Provincial election. Now many Quebecers thought he could build up Quebec. Since

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Changing Context of Workforce Planning and Labour Market Change Research Paper

Changing Context of Workforce Planning and Labour Market Change - Research Paper Example The report indicates that the LFS essentially tracks two different types of teleworkers, including those working in their premises and those working in particular places like on the train, at their client’s homes, or in the cars. However, all the two types of teleworking services use the home comfort as their primary setups. In 2005, the majority of teleworkers worked in several places but used the home as their center. The number represents a whopping 1.8 million out of a total 2.4 million. These figures just demonstrate how the labor market is vigorously shifting from the more demanding contractual basis to the less critical self-employment context. There are several factors central to the sudden change in the labor market context. The first primary aspect is the advancement in technology. The new skills and equipment have revolutionized and redefined the entire workforce because it has brought a range of capabilities that were initially far-fetched. For example, in the case study, the rise of computers and telephones has changed the game because it has made work easier for builders. They can efficiently execute particular duties at home and at the same time communicate with clients. This scenario contrasts the traditional white-collar-job setup that requires an employee to link remotely with the employer. Apart from technology, several other reasons perhaps drive employees away from the customary right jobs, hence making home based work more appealing and convenient. First, some contracts are not guaranteed.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Post-Acute Assignment

Prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Post-Acute Myocardial Infraction - Assignment Example PTSD affects the quality of life that such patient population lead often making them susceptible to other lifestyle diseases (Goldberg & Williams, 1998). In a quantitative research, I seek to determine the suitability of a psychological discharge questionnaire in serving as a diagnostic tool to guide nursing practice and the handling of post-acute myocardial infraction patients. Key among the factors that make quantitative the most appropriate mode of research in this context is the fact that it provides observable evidence that helps formulate a hypothesis (Bamberger, 2000). The variables in a quantitative study are computed without coding them. As such, they provide practical evidence that makes it easy to observe thereby formulate functional hypothesis such as the suitability of the psychological discharge questionnaire. Another equally important factor is that quantitative research does not require a restrictive design plan a feature that allows the researcher to study the variables in their natural setup (Creswell, 2014). As state earlier, the lack of adequate studies in the topical issue makes it difficult to carry out the rese arch. As such, the researcher must let the research flow naturally a possibility that a quantitative design guarantees. The independent variable in the study is the psychological discharge questionnaire while dependent variable is the detection of PTSD. The dependent variable in the research will include the various types of PSTD such as depression and anxiety among others. With a research sample of ninety patients selected randomly, the researcher will issue the psychological discharge questionnaires to forty-five and fail to give out the questionnaire to the remaining forty-five. The study then begins as the nurses use the information provided in the questionnaire to carry out follow up treatment of the patients. Additionally, the researcher observes the behavioral changes of all the samples used in the research thus making appropriate conclusions on the suitability and functionality of using questionnaires as a diagnostic tool.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rail car brake caliper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rail car brake caliper - Assignment Example Non-Ferrous metals are costly. Yield strength refers to the minimum tension that yields plastic deformations (Somaiya, Wieffering & Blaine, 2008). Tensile strength refers to minimum stress essential for the failure of the material. Fracture resistance is significant in measuring strain degree. Describes the resistance of a material to fracture and is measured using the aggregate energy contained in the material (Somaiya, Wieffering & Blaine, 2008). In the design of the brake caliper, toughness is important since strong materials absorb more energy compared to fragile ones. Tension tests include; static tension tests, which define the infringement point of the material and compression tests that determine the material’s reaction to crushing (Somaiya, Wieffering & Blaine, 2008). In general, tensile testing determines the strength and amount of stretch in the material. The failure point is the ultimate strength. Torsion test measures the relationship between stress-strain of a material. Hardness tests, which include Brinell hardness test, which uses a steel ball with enormous force. The applied weight for harder materials like iron and steel is about 3000kg while that of softer materials like aluminium alloys and copper is about 500kg (Somaiya, Wieffering & Blaine, 2008).Vickers hardness test is obtained by dividing force by the external area. Rockwell hardness test measures the penetration depth in the material to determine the hardness. Scratch test involves scratching harder materials to rank their hardness. Harder materials scratch the softer ones. Mohs hardness scale is applicable. Rebound test utilizes changes in potential energy to determine the hardness. Indentation tests utilize the impression of force on the material to test for hardness. Aluminum oxides make calipers abrasives that boost friction because of its low density. Steel filler recommended

Friday, November 15, 2019

Internet cafe business plan

Internet cafe business plan Java Net is a different type of cafe; and it is not like a typical cafe, will give an unparallel assembly for communication and entertainment by the medium of the Internet. Java Net is mainly established for meeting the demand of customer. The customer wants: (1) access to the communication and entertainment website and can get access to search the available information to the Internet, and (2) access to the internet at a lower cost so that they can able to pay and by this way that they arent separated socially, economically, or politically. Java Nets aim is to give the residential with a social, educational, entertaining, environment for universal communication. This cafà © will be established in the place of Central London. This business plan is mainly made for the purpose of getting fund in the amount of  £24,000. The subsidiary funding is necessary to start work on preparation of site and change, buying equipment, and to assess cost in the first year of operations. Additional funding has already been fixed in the figure of: (1) From the Oregon Economic Development Fund, we get  £24,000 (2)  £19,000 of personal savings from owner (3)  £36,000 from three investors (4) and  £9,290 in the form of short-term loans. Java Net will be incorporated as an LLC corporation. This will shield the owner thats me, and the three investors who are from outside, Doug Wilson, Luke Walsh, and John Underwood, from matter of personal responsibility and tax which is pay as double. The investors will be considered as shareholders and they may not be responsible spending investment of personally  £12,000 each. The funding which is related to the contribution of capital from the owner, shareholders and the Oregon Economic Development Fund, will permit Java Net to successfully establish and run business operations by year one. The large amount of initial capital investment will permit Java Net to give its customers to present it as entire characteristics of internet cafe. This cafà © is recognized as a unparalleled, up market, and creative environment is necessary to give the customers with an environment that will engender socialization. Successful operation in year one will give Java Net with a customer base that will permit it to be self sufficient in year two. Objectives Java Net has some objectives for running the operation for three years: * The innovation of an unparalleled, up market, creative atmosphere that will diverse Java Net from local coffee houses. * Give an understanding to the community about the Internet service that is what they offer or what their facilities are. * The establishment of an environment that will attract people with various interests and settings together in a common forum. * To provide a very good coffee and bakery items at a reasonable and fair price. * Easily available of internet resources and other facilities of online. Keys to Success The main factors which are involved in the success of Java Net: * The innovation of an unparalleled, creative, up market atmosphere that will add as the new features of Java Net and differentiate it from other competitors such as: local coffee shop and prospective internet cafes. * The formation of Java Net as a residential centre for communication, socialization and entertainment. * The innovation of an environment that wont restrain the user who are initiator. Java Net will set up its position itself as one of main educational resource for individuals wanted to find out about their internet facilities and alternatives. * Good coffee and bakery items. Mission Due to the increment of popularity of the Internet which is continually growing at an exponential rate, easy and low cost entryis rapidly becoming an essential of life. Java Net gives communities with the capacity to enter the Internet, take a cup of coffee, and enjoy Internet experiences in a comfortable environment. All ages and any backgrounds of people will come to enjoy the unparalleled, up market, educational, and creative environment that Java Net offers. Risks The risks consisted with starting Java Net are: * Will there be a need for the services provided by Java Net in UK? * Will the popularity of the Internet regular to grow, or is the Internet on less popularity? * Will individuals be interested to pay for the service Java Net provides? * Will the cost of entering the Internet from home drop so necessarily that there may not be a such market for Internet Cafes such as Java Net? Task 2: 1.2 Literature review: Java Net, soon to be established in Central London on 10th and Oak, will provide the community easy and affordable entry to the Internet. Java Net will offer entire access to email, WWW, FTP, Usenet and other Internet applications such as Telnet and Gopher. Java Net will also give customers with an unparalleled and creative environment for enjoying great coffee, specialty beverages, and bakery items. Java Net will in sort to all ages and backgrounds of customers. The instructional Internet classes, and the assisted staff that Java Net offers, will in sort to the audience that does not link themselves with the age of computer. This aspect of education will pull members such as younger and elder of the community who are quickly attaining involvement in the unparalleled resources that communicate through online have to provide. The downtown place will give business people with convenient access with their morning coffee and online requirement. Java Net is a privately under by Oregon Limited Liability Corporation. Cale Bruckner, the founder of Java Net, is the majority owner. Luke Walsh, Doug Wilson, and John Underwood, all sustain minority position of stock as private investors. Task 3: Information about market Java Net is meeting with the opportunity as stimulated of being the step-mover in the cyber-cafe market. The coherent quality of coffee, aggregate with the increasing interest in the Internet, has been established to be a gaining concept in other related markets and will produce the same results in that other market. There are some factors such as current tendency, habituation, and sales data assure that the high requirement for coffee will continue invariable more than the next five years. The quick development of the Internet and online services which has been found there is only the tip of the iceberg. The possible development of the Internet is tremendous, to the item while one day, a computer terminal with the connection of online will be as usual and requirement as a telephone. It can be 10 or 20 years down the road, but since the next five years, the service of online supplier market is certain to feel enormous development. As a modern cyber-cafe in London, Java Net will enjoy the spontaneous advantages of name identification and customer commitment. At first, Java Net will maintain a 100 % share of the market of the cyber-cafe here in UK. Since the following five years, competitors will access the market. Java Net has established an aim to hold more than a market share of 50 percent. Assignment 2: Project resources: Java Net will give full enter to email, WWW, FTP, Usenet and other Internet using for example: Telnet and Gopher. With the Internet system, printing, scanning, and introductory courses will also be available to the customer. Java Net will also offer customers with an unparalleled and creative environment for enjoying the great coffee, special beverages and delicious bakery items. Competitive Comparison Java Net will be the most Internet cafe in Central London. Java Net will vary itself from the strictly-coffee cafes in London by offering its customers with combination of Internet and services of computing. Service Description Java Net will provide its customers with complete enter to the Internet and usual computer software and hardware. There are some services of the Internet and computing available to Java Net customers are mentioned below: * Enter to external email accounts of POP3. * Customers can sign up for an email account of Java Net. This account will mainly be controlled by the server of Java Net and accessible from computer systems exterior the Java Net network. * FTP, Telnet, Gopher, and other popular Internet application will be used. * Enter to browser of Netscape or Internet Explorer. * Application of laser and color printing. * Enter to recognized and more using software applications such as: Adobe Photo Shop and Microsoft Word. Java Net will also offer its customers with enter to basic classes of Internet and email. These classes will be started in the afternoon and in the evening time. By taking these classes, Java Net will establish a loyalty to the customers to its services. The computers, Internet access, and classes couldnt mention half of the action if carried out of the environment Java Net will provide. Special offer such as: a good coffee, special drinks, bakery related items, and a comfortable environment will offer Java Net customers bring in the cafà © from the far away from home. It will be considered as a place to enjoy the facility of computing in a comfortable and well-designed environment. Fulfillment Java Net will attain the support of computer and Internet entrance from British Telecom Company who provided the support of internet service located in UK. That company will offer the connections of internet, network looking up, and the hardware necessary to operate the Java Network. Allan Brothers will offer Java Net with coffee material, mass coffee, and paper supplies. At this time, the contract for the bakery related items has not been finished. Java Net is presently managing with Humble Bagel and the French horn to fulfill the requirement. Technology Java Net will spend money in high-velocity computers to offer its customers with a quick and effective link to the Internet. The computers will be authentic and amusing to work with. Java Net will extend to promote and change the method to remain present with the technology of communications. Other main interests is connected with Internet cafes, which is the equipment art and it is available there and the other facility is that not each person has the pc of Pentium on their office or home. 3Future Services Since Java Net develops, more technology of communications systems will be included. The hypothesis of supplemental units has been responsible for in the present plan of floor. Since the need for connectivity of internet grows, on with the growth in competition, Java Net will extend to include modern services to sustain its customer base return back for more. Start-up Summary Java Nets costs of business commencement will cover the equipment of coffee making, site redevelopment and change, arrange capital to adjust with losses in the first year, and the equipment of communications require to receive its customers online. The equipment of communications is important to offer Java Nets customers with a quick link to the Internet and the coffee services which have to provide to create a large proportion of the commencement cost. And these costs will incur the terminal of computer and total costs included with their establishment. Costs will also be incurring for the buying of two laser printers and a scanner. Not only this, costs will be arranged for the buying of the instrument of coffee preparing. Minor additional instrument, a office grinder, one espresso machine which will be buying from other suppliers. The site at Central London will need the funds for redevelopment and change. A single calculated figure will be distributed for this objective. The restoration cost estimate will add the costs which is associated with preparing the site for opening business. Initial cost includes: * Computers 11 =  £22,000 * Printers 2 =  £1,000 * Scanner 1 =  £500 * System software =  £810 * Espresso machine 1 =  £10,700 * Automatic espresso grinder 1=  £795 * Repairs and restructuring: * Coffee /food preparation counters2 =  £1,000 * Information display counter 1 =  £1,000 * Drinking /eating counter =  £500 * Stools 16 =  £1,600 * Computer desks with chairs 6 =  £2,400 * Items of stationery =  £500 * Telephones 2 =  £200 * Cost of decoration =  £13,000 Start-up  £500 Cost of stationary  £50 Brochures  £500 Advisors  £2,000 Insurance  £700 Rent  £1,445 Coffee machine  £10,700 Grinder of bean  £795 Printer scanner, system software etc.  £24,310 Line of communication  £840 Fixtures/Remodel  £20,000 Total initial cost  £62,290 Initial capital Cash Required  £24,000 Initial stock  £2,000 Other Current Assets  £0 Long-term Assets  £0 Total Assets  £26,000 Total Requirements  £88,290 Location of Company and opportunities A site has been chosen at Central London in UK. This site is selected for various reasons, including: * Closeness to the downtown business group. * Closeness to trendy, up market restaurants. * Closeness to London over ground Station. Parking availability. * Renting cost is low  £.85 per square foot for 1700 square feet. * High visibility. These qualities are coherent with Java Nets aim of offering a main part of communication and socialization for the British community. Assignment 3: Implementation of the project: Java Net usually uses three crucial strategies. Firstly: they concentrate on pulling new user of Internet. By offering friendly environment to a new user, Java Net expects to teach and train a loyal customer base. Secondly, which is the most important strategy concentrates on attracting in strength Internet users. Strength Internet users are enormously associated with the Internet and its services. Here, a large group of customers get the service from the Java Net. Power users should have the knowledge, understanding and experience of web-browsing that novice Internet users feel interesting and exciting. The third and the last strategy emphasize on establishing a social environment for the customer of Java Net. A social environment, that gives entertainment, will assist to pull customers that couldnt usually concentrate about utilizing the Internet. In former in place at Java Net, the group of customers that occurred for the over standard entertainment offerings, will recognize the prospective entertainment scope the Internet can offer. Strategy Pyramid The following subtle offer a concept of Java Nets three basic strategies. Strategy pyramid graphics are demonstrated in the appendix of this plan. Attract beginner Internet Users Java Nets first strategy focuses on attracting beginner Internet users. Java Net plans on attracting these customers by: * Offering a friendly and social environment for new users. Java Net will be served through qualified personnel concentrated on serving the customers requirement. * Java net arranges a customer service desk will always be served. If a customer has any type of query or matter, Java Net personnel will always be available to do help. * Java Net will provide basic classes on the subject of Internet and email. These classes will be plan in such a way that can help novice users recognize themselves with these basic tools and the Java Net computer systems. Competitive Edge Java Net will focus on the strategy of differentiation to achieve a competitive advantage in this sort of cafe market. While offering the service of internet, Java Net distinguishes itself from other cafe and creates competition with all other cafes in UK. In addition, Java Net offers a relaxed environment with a coffee and bakery related items; differentiate itself from other Internet servicers in UK. Marketing Strategy Java Net will place itself as an up market coffee house and the most attractive service provider of internet. It will provide Standard quality coffee and drinks of different taste with a reasonable and competitive price. Because of the larger number of cafes in UK, it is necessary that Java Net establishes reasonable prices for its coffee. Java Net will apply the technique of advertising as it is considered as the main source of promotion. The cafà © opening with an add which will be a coupon for a free one hour of Internet usuage. In addition, Java Net will offer away three hours of internet using which is free use to novices who sign up for a basic to the Internet workshop giving by Java Net. Pricing Strategy Java Net mainly depends on the value of coffee and drinks of different taste on the analysis of retail profit provided by our supplier, Allan Brothers Coffee Co., Inc. Allan Brothers, which has been in this sort of coffee business for almost of 22 years and has established a proper pricing strategy. Establishing a reasonable market on the basis of hourly price, it is more difficult to use online because there is no such type of direct rivalry from another cyber-cafe in area. Therefore, Java Net will consider three main sources to establish the hourly charging rate. First, we concentrate the cost to use other Internet service provider; either it is the firm of local networking or UK online provider. The supplier of internet access applies various schemes of pricing. Some charges are fixed as on the basis of monthly hours, where other supplier charges the fee on the basis of hourly rate. In addition, some servicers apply a strategy with a blend of equally pricing schemes. By this, Java Net may promptly fix or charged more internet service fee for an individual at a monthly basis. Second, Java Net also concentrates about the market of other internet user. Third, Java Net may do a market survey on current market condition. By analyzing these three factors Java Net fix the hourly pri ce of $5. Promotion Strategy Java Net will mainly apply strategy of pull for increasing the consciousness and their demand. Primarily, Java Net has fixed its initial budget of  £5,000 in order to promotional sector which will consists of promoting to manage the coupons system for the free time of internet using which is free on the basis of publication of local and the promotion of house for example: providing customers the free time using more internet if the payment will be cleared initially by Java net. Java Net assumes that if competition increase that means new competitors access the internet business market, Java Net has to spend more money for the sector of advertising for increasing their sales for leading in case of market share. Sales Strategy Because of the retail business of Java Net, they recruit personnel for maintaining the transaction of daily or monthly sales and for these employees they should have the proficiency I computer or should have the good computer knowledge. There is another option on Java Net that is if the employees are not computer experts then they are trained by the expert technician of Java Net. These full time technicians of Java Net are always ready for assisting the customers. for distinguishes the services of Java Net from their competitors, they committed to provide friendly and helpful services which is considered as the key success factor for them. Forecasting of sales Sales: here, Java Net is mainly relied on their coffee item and sales of espresso in order the financial information supplied by Allann Bros Coffee Co to the Java Net.Their sales of internet are measured by estimating the hours total in related to the terminal on each day and after that they have to also estimate the numbers of hours of consumer use. Cost of goods sold: products which are coffee related, its cost of sales are mainly measured by the analysis of the retail profit which is mainly receive from Allann Bros. Coffee Co. here, coffee related items that is bakery items costs are the 20 percent of the selling price . The internet using cost is  £660 as monthly basis which have to pay as the networking fees to Bellevue company. E-mail account fees is also the selling price of 25%. Reference: Beardwell I and Holden L- Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach (prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 0273679112. Belbin M- Team Roles at Work (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996) ISBN: 0750626755. Bratton J and Gold J- Human Resource Management Theory and Practice (palgrave-Macmillan, 2003) ISBN: 0333993268 Mullins L- Management and Organizational Behaviour (Prentice Hall, 2004) ISBN: 0273688766. Bell J- Doing Your Research Project, Third Edition (Open University Press, 1999) ISBN: 0335203884 Best J- Research in Education, (Prentice Hall, 1997) ISBN: 0137740182. Kane E- Doing Your Own Research, (Marion Boyars, 1997) ISBN: 0714530433 Mcniff J- Action Research: Principles and Practice (Rout ledge Falmer, 2001) ISBN: 0415219949 Management Today (Chartered Management Institute) People Management (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bosnia V. Holocaust Essay -- essays research papers

Genocide is the systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group. In Germany during World War II a man named Hitler tried to eliminate any race except for what he called the "Arian" race. In the process he committed genocide by killing off 6 million Jews and a total of 8 million people in all. Europe was going through some very hard times during the mid 1900's so that no one was able to see a disaster such as the Holocaust coming. Many things led to the weakening of Europe at the time. The Ottoman Empire was breaking up plus they were still trying to get over the devastation of WW I. Bosnia and Herzegovina had been having many problems as well. They were a witness to much change and devastation ever since the early 1900's when they became merged as Yugoslavia with three distinct ethnic groups. In the middle of WW II the axis powers split Yugoslavia into two separate pieces, pinning one side in conflict and war against the other . By the end of WW II a man named Josip Tito, a Croatian Communist created a pact between the two fighting sides. This lasted until 1960 when Tito granted Muslims a distinct ethnic status in society as an effort to put them on equal grounds with the Serbs and Croats. After Tito's death conditions got bad. The Serbs gained most of the power and began killing off the weaker non-Serb peoples. The situations between Germany and Bosnia are quite different, however, there is a strong resemblance as well. It is highly unlikely that another Holocaust would ever occur again as long as the memory of the catastrophe is not forgotten. What Happened in Bosnia is quite bad but it is in no comparison with the world domination of Hitler and his army. The main difference between the Bosnia genocide and the Holocaust is that Hitler gained respect and power, whereas the Serbs had the majority of the army and were smarter then the non-Serbs so they were able to take charge. When Hitler first started his campaign people loved him and wanted him in power. It was what he did once he was in power that astonished the nation. However, in Bosnia there were always tensions between the three groups. The Serbs were not let into power; they never had the other group's respect they were just able to establish a strong army and state that was capable of killing. In Yugoslavia there ... ...lves to be the superior race and the way they went about it was to involve themselves in mass murder and the raping of women. In both Germany and Bosnia there was a formation of some kind of party that would eventually try to take over. In Germany it was the "Nazi Party" and in Bosnia it was called the "Assembly of the Serbian People". In Bosnia the Serbs targeted everyone except themselves, as did the Nazi's of Germany. A situation such as the Holocaust, which was created by Hitler, will never happen again on such a large scale just because of the education of the people. If a dictator tried to recreate the scene of the Holocaust he would fail miserably because at this point there are too many alliances and pacts that would have to be broken. No continent would allow such devastation to occur once again. The military alliances are too powerful and the teamwork is too strong. On the other hand, a situation such as what happened in Bosnia can easily occur in the world once again because of the instability of certain governments. All that certain nations need is a strong leader to take their country over and to produce mass-murders.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Scope Case Study

STRATEGIC MARKETING Mid-Semester Exam Spring, 2009 Name: Erika Woodhouse 1. Evaluate the changes that have occurred in the Canadian mouthwash market in the past three years and their impact of Scope. Be specific. (20) In 1987 the growth rate for the mouthwash market experienced a 26 percent increase due to the introduction of new flavors. Brands were adding unique customization to attract consumers to their brand, and as a result the market as a whole grew. Since then the growth rate has declined to a level of 5 percent. 2. Management believes that the status quo is the best strategy. The team has been asked to make the case for and against this position, including in their discussion an evaluation of the positions of all or almost all members of the team. (20) a. _ Status quo_ b. _ Against status quo_ Scope should take action anddo something to compete with Plax and Listerine’s new claims. Proctor & Gamble states in their statement of purpose and strategy, â€Å"We will continuously stay ahead of competition while aggressively defending our established profitable business against major competitive challenges despite short term profit consequences. Therefore doing nothing is simple not an option. The market had an increase of 5 percent last year, while Scope suffered from a . 7 percent loss. Plax as a new competitor to the marked was able to achieve a 10 percent market share in over only three years, and will continue to grow and could take from our share if nothing is done. If we created a ‘better tasking pre-brush rinse’ we can also compare this to Scope when entered the market. Scope had all the same attributes of Listerine but offered a better taste, and was able to penetrate the market and be successful with a 12 percent market share in one year. 3. Management has wondered what impact the line extension strategy (using the Scope name) would have on overall profits of the Division if the price were held constant and if the price were increased 10 percent, assuming current volume. Accounting has provided the following information to assist in your analysis: Current variable cost: 20. 2/unit Variable cost likely increase with the line extension: 13% Total fixed cost: $2. 5 million + advertising, promotion, and general office costs. Scope should not introduce a line extension to compete. A line extension with the scope name would be likely to confuse its current customers. Also if the product fails it could reflect poorly on Scope. They also don’t have the ability to make a superior product; therefore they could hurt the brand image of providing qualit y and value.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Beloved essays

Beloved essays In Beloved, Toni Morrison portrays the barbarity and cruelty of slavery. She emphasizes the African Americans desire for a new life as they try to escape their past while claiming their freedom and creating a sense of community. In Beloved, "Much of the characters pain occurs as they reconstruct themselves, their families, and their communities after the devastation of slavery" (Kubitschek 115). Throughout the novel, Morrison uses color to symbolically represent a life complete with happiness, freedom, and safety, as well as involvement in community and family. In many scenes, Morrison uses color to convey a character's desire for such a life; while, in other instances, Morrison utilizes color to illustrate the satisfaction and fulfillment, which the characters experience once they achieve this life. Morrison uses color to symbolize the life Paul D desires as he is heading North. When Paul D asks the Cherokee man how he might get North. Free North. Magical North, (Morrison 112) he conveys his desire for a free, safe, happy and even somewhat magical life. Equating color with this life, the Cherokee man replies, Follow the tree flowers. When one thinks about or describes flowers, their colors are always important. In his journey North, Paul D would scan the horizon for a flash of pink or white...[or] blossoming plums (Morrison 113). By having Paul D search for colorful flowers, Morrison illustrates Paul Ds desire for a life full of safety, enjoyment, and freedom. Just as Paul D desires a better life after slavery, so does Baby Suggs. As a slave, Suggs was suppressed and did not experience the type of life she desired. Morrison indirectly demonstrates this by purposely leaving out any descriptions of color in Suggss life when she was a slave. Morrison uses this absence of color to express that Suggs had lived the life which she had longed for. She ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hotel Employees Designation Vise Management Essay Essays

Hotel Employees Designation Vise Management Essay Essays Hotel Employees Designation Vise Management Essay Essay Hotel Employees Designation Vise Management Essay Essay Vivanta by Taj Bentota, Sri Lanka, delightfully located along one of the finest beaches on the South West seashore, is now siting on a fresh new moving ridge. Yet it remains the charming beach and watering place resort that s about one with the Indian Ocean. Where merriment lovers return for good times. There s a nice new bombilation nevertheless. In the renewed life infinites, the all right eating houses, the high energy saloon, and the watering place where you ll travel Ah! The Chef remains every bit eager to wow you with specially designed repasts. Employees working for the Taj organisation were the topics of this research. The entire population of this organisation is 200 was used as a sampling frame, the choice was done irrespective to the gender which comprises both male and female respondents from the ages 19 to 55 old ages. The degree of instruction of participants scopes from Primary literate degree to third makings. This research has conducted in two months period when the clip that Company runs with extremely disgruntled employees. Two chief occupation classs are represented in the population i.e. professional ( Technical staff ) and disposal and supervisory employees. All participants were lasting employees of the Vivanta by Taj. Primary Data Collection For the research I have collected informations from their studies. And information shows the hotel employee dislocation construction harmonizing to the appellation, diverseness and current state of affairs about the hotel civilization. Hotel employee s appellation vise Further to the above pie chart refers the employee class dislocation, Harmonizing to the appellation vise. None Executives 59 % Executives23 % Trainees 10 % Directors 8 % Hotel Employee Culture Above pie chart shows how the hotel civilization express, Sinhala 73 % Tamils 15 % Warren burgers 6 % Others 6 % Employment based on Permanent, Contacted, Temporary. Hotel has hired people harmonizing to the attached pie chart, Contacted 81 % Permanent 13 % Impermanent 6 % Discussion Organization Structure Of the hotel The organisation top direction belongs to India, and they are the people who recruit employees for the top direction. The Company employees name will non be disclosed due confidential information being exposed and hazard of judicial proceeding. Hotel General director is the individual who responsible for the employees, and guest. He will describe to India. Six section caputs are pull offing their sections. All section caputs has their Executives, and staff to do the organisation to a better topographic point Evaluation of Leadership manners and theories confabulating to the current state of affairs Leadership Theories Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory The leader of the organisation, General Manager and most of the section caputs working and taking determination by utilizing mentioned leading manner. Organization enlistings for the supervisory degree they are utilizing situational leading. Enrolling the employees by the degree of adulthood, Experience in the trade will assist full to full make full their demands. There are so many advantages by utilizing situational leading. Leader will be out of emphasis. Decision devising can authorise by the employees. Great adult male theory ( nineteenth Century ) At the history, peoples used to believe and believed all the leaders are borne non made. And the treated them as heroes. When it is comes to the current state of affairs on the organisation some of the leaders think that among the employees, they ca nt make their work decently because they are non born with the leading styles. This environment must alter in this organisation. Disadvantages is, No Job satisfaction The employee non satisfies with their work/Job, and their life environment. Job turnover per centum will high. And it will consequence to the organisation quickly. Functional theory ( Hackman A ; Walton, 1986 ; McGrath, 1962 ) Harmonizing to the theory, the leader s behaviour is the most of import factor in a company, How the leader will respond in a unbreakable state of affairss, The public presentation of leader. When the company needs him etc. Leader behaviour is more of import to the organisation harmonizing to the theory it displays whatever the state of affairs take topographic point the leader carry out the organisation when its good or bad. Harmonizing to the organisation I look over, the director who manage the forepart of the house, uses above theory for the staff who he handles. Whatever the fortunes comes the direction neer change their attack. The leader motivates staff. The critical issue is attached functional theory is. Leadership manners The people-oriented leader ( Fiedler, 1967 ) Above leading theory is devouring by the general director of the organisation. And he who shows these manners of leading there are some of his work manners below, Efficaciously manages the human resources of the organisation harmonizing to authorized forces policies and processs that to the full conform to current Torahs and ordinances Guarantees the company, marks, mission and, when it comes to guest satisfaction, leader must strongly act. A cordial reception and touristry ever depend on guest satisfaction ; all the employees are covering with human existences non with goods. Subsequently employees need to work smart. The leader will help their employee to do their working environment to a friendly topographic point. The transactional leader Confering to the attached organisation human resource director, Create and keep an organisational environment that promotes positive staff morale and public presentation. Ensure effectual human resources plans are developed and maintained to back up the strategic ends of the Vivanta insurance ( includes recruiting, public presentation direction, preparation, sequence planning, employee dealingss, and compensation ) . Direct, motivate and keep a competent, well-trained, flexible and antiphonal staff capable of run intoing current and future demands. Develop and keep an one-year Board-approved program for the development and sequence of direction TransformationalA leading The most effectual leader ship manner, Transformational leaders are stirring for the ground that is they anticipate the unexcelled from employees. This leads from top to bottom efficiency and assignment from everyone in their squad When mentioning to the current state of affairs some of the leaders managed to move like transformational leaders. These leaders except greatest work from the employees who re working under his direction will acquire motivated. The Grow theoretical account Harmonizing to sir toilet Whitmore this leading styles involved by the Finance director who works for the organisation, He is the individual who assist employees to put marks Harmonizing to the grow theoretical account theory, the leader is the individual who set marks harmonizing to the higher direction petition. Company issues Motivation Critically evaluate and warrant the issues of motive Maslow s hierarchy of work motive ( 1943 ) Manager can use Maslow s theory and the demands that are likely to attach to them, with the intent of accomplishing motive of employees. Maslow s demand theory, Have five degrees. When these degrees completed people get motivated. Mentioning to above figures, in an organisation, The basic demand is an employee is wage ( rewards ) Then after Job security, with domination programs, Insurance, and employee support. The 3rd Social demands mentioned as squad work, accomplishments, official and non-official work Fourth Admiration demands, like acknowledgment, occupation rubrics publicities Last Self-actualization, Personal development. Two-factor theory Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg ( 1975 ) Further to the Herzberg theories, there are motive factors and hygiene factors are depending on the employee. How the organisation dainty on them. Current state of affairs of the organisation is. Job satisfaction and dis satisfaction both elements are every bit impacting the employees. And so, the caputs can convey occupation dissatisfactory to occupation satisfactory. In this organisation, Organization must handle their employees good, and so, the caputs can convey occupation dissatisfactory to occupation satisfactory. In this organisation, Some of the employees will non be displeased, they will be gratified. If the organisation, cover their demands at the expected clip the employees will be more pleased. Herzberg recommended foregrounding factors attach toing with the work. Such as in a on the job topographic point rewards are non the motive factor. There is hygiene factors s besides. People recognition, answerability and achievement are some of the factors. Current motive Techniques available at Vavanta by Taj Teamwork Working with groups and, put their ends for one mark, one time a Month direction concept some marks and, inquire all the sections employees to carry through their marks and achieve the end. Guest Satisfaction Employees who has the good relationship with the invitee, and harmonizing to guest satisfaction they reword employee. And it will actuate staff. Training and development, Training is designed to alter the behaviour, attitudes, techniques, Enhance cognition, and accomplishments and better motive of their employees Development involves larning that goes beyond today s occupation has a more long-run focal prepares employees to maintain peace with the organisation as it changes. Job Enrichment Vertical develop of the current, occupation giving the Employee. Control over planning, executing and rating of his occupation. Besides gives extra duty and independency. Job Enlargement The Horizontal develop of the current occupation. Will be responsible for more occupations and will hold more. Pull offing Cultural Diversity Cultural diverseness based on, racial, gender, different cultural etc. when its semen to the current state of affairs of the company, Categorization of employees based on age group Categorization has been done grouping employee into 5 chief classs on Age group in the selected sample. The undermentioned pie chart exhibits how it comprises employees on age group in the selected employee sample for the research. Above chart following characteristics can be seen in Vivanta By taj ; Out of 30 employees, 13 employees ( 43 % ) are in 21-30 age bounds and it is the highest per centum. 8 employees ( 27 % ) are in 31 40 age bounds, 6 employees ( 20 % ) are in below 20 age bound and 3 employees ( 10 % ) are in 41-50 age bounds severally. The lowest per centum is relation to the in over 50 age bounds and there is no any employee ( 0 % ) in this age bound. Categorization of employees based on educational making Categorization has done grouping employees into 04 chief classs on their educational making. The undermentioned pie charts exhibits how it comprises employees based on their educational makings in the selected sample in the organisations. Harmonizing to the above chart following characteristics can be seen in educational makings of employees in Vivanta by taj sample Out of 30 employees, 17 employees have educated until G.C.E ( O/L ) and it is shown as 58 % of the sum ; which is the highest per centum. The lowest per centum ( 7 % ) has obtained by 2 employees who belong to graduate. Other 04 employees ( 14 % ) are in A/L degree and 06 employees ( 21 % ) are in other district or professional class. The Hofstede dimensional theoretical account of national civilization The Hofstede theoretical account ( Hofstede 2001 ; Hofstede A ; Hofstede 2005 ) The Differentiates civilizations, Harmonizing to five dimensions: Power withdrawal, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainness turning away, and long-/short-term orientation. ( Alcoholics: The Hofstede theoretical account, Applications to planetary stigmatization and Ad scheme and research Page figure 88 ) Cultural Identity A ; Noise To pull off different states states is a critical state of affairs which follows by the direction of vivanta by taj. Harmonizing to company there are different states, and it is transnational hotel. General Manager of the company, he is from India, and some of the section s caputs are from India excessively. Most of them are from Srilanka Other than that Chinese and Maldivian are working for the company. Cultural Taboos Taboos are can be define as behaviours, manners public presentations harmonizing to the civilization. The current state of affairs of the company, there are different cultural tabu. All are working for one mark and some may understand and some nay non. Somehow direction realized the state of affairs and tried to do the environment harmonizing to the cultural tabu. They discipline extremely managed by the company. Cultural Shock Vivanta By taj Benthota, employees have many chances to direct their employees to different states. Some of the directors, making this to actuate staff but it is non go oning the manner they anticipate. Cultural daze is at that place to actuate staff. Organizational civilization Independent variables Dependent variable Supervisory Behavior Job satisfaction Working Conditionss Salary Promotion Conceptual frame work Previous surveies trying to associate honor direction system and employees work results have had limited result in range and were frequently affected by methodological restraints. In order to get the better of the restrictions mentioned, this survey contributes to the literature by trying to fulfill the clear demand for an analytical survey that examines recognizable dimensions of wages direction system, and associating wages direction system and employees occupation satisfaction, utilizing appropriate statistical methods. Based on an extended survey of old research on wages direction system, four nucleus dimensions of wages direction system have been identified as cardinal dimensions, which support an organisation s concern scheme towards the addition in employees work results. These Dimensions of organisational civilization are, Supervisory Behavior Working Conditionss Salary Promotion The cardinal dimensions listed above are relevant to organisational excellence and people-oriented facets such as employees occupation satisfaction from a wages direction position. The theoretical account suggests that the greater the extent to which these four dimensions of wages direction are present, the greater will be the satisfaction of employee. Different Motivation Techniques pattern by Cultural Diverse by Taj The Company has used assorted wagess scheme to actuate their employees towards best public presentation. Such wages tools were identified through the study and these are as follows. Supervisor behaviour Research indicates that the quality of the supervisor-subordinate relationship will hold a important, positive influence on the employee s overall degree of occupation satisfaction this Research appears to be indicates that persons are likely to hold high degrees of occupation satisfaction if supervisors provide them with support and co-operation in finishing their undertakings. Taj hotel they maintain positive relationship with their colleagues that has led for higher occupation satisfaction. Promotion In really simple term publicity means how far a occupation can guarantee 1s calling in occupation. It means whether the occupation is back uping the employee to be established or give range to develop 1s calling. Career has some stages. It starts with Recruitment and choice. The other stages are: publicity, preparation and transportation every bit good as arrangement. All these stages cover in the Company. Their satisfaction and dissatisfaction depends upon these factors through which an employee can make to the ultimate ends of the occupation. Working status Working conditions is another factor that has a moderate impact on the employee s occupation satisfaction, if people work in a clean, friendly environment they will happen it easier to come to work. If the antonym should go on, they will happen it hard to carry through undertakings. Maintains that working conditions are merely likely to hold a important impact on occupation satisfaction when, for illustration, the on the job conditions are either highly good or highly hapless. Furthermore, employee ailments sing working conditions are often related to manifestations of underlying jobs. Salary One of the most of import intents to make a occupation is acquiring salary. If one gets a fine-looking wage by which one can afford the life may do occupation satisfaction. But if the wage can non bear 1s expenditure one should non be satisfied with the wage. Harmonizing to the Research company maintain fine-looking salary construction for all degree of employees so that will take for higher occupation satisfaction. Performance Management and Employee Welfare A ; Profit Recognition-Appraise and appreciate people for their attempts and give them sense of accomplishment. Wages: a pecuniary expressing for the exceeding public presentation. Job Designing: Job Rotation-systematic motion of employee ( s ) from one occupation to another. Provides assortment and stimulates the employee. Job Enrichment-vertical enlargement of the current occupation giving the Employee control over planning, executing and rating of his occupation. Besides gives extra duty and independency. Job Enlargement -horizontal enlargement of the current occupation. Will be responsible for more occupations and will hold more Training and Development Training is designed to alter the behaviour, attitudes, techniques, Enhance cognition, accomplishments and better motive of our employees Needed for their present occupation. Development involves larning that goes beyond today s occupation has a more long-run focal prepares employees to maintain peace with the organisation as it changes. Solution for linguistic communication barriers For being a top ranking in cordial reception, they have to keep their position of commuting. Guest is coming all the manner from universe therefore every one demand to larn an international linguistic communication. English is the most indispensable linguistic communication. So by holding a preparation category to all employees who are deficiency of English will assist to keep company statues every bit good as the employee motive. Recruitment processs in the Vivanta by Taj Good enlisting patterns and Recruitment processs choosing campaigners, Print and maintain ruddy with the employment study Finding the best manner of roll uping employees explicating the occupation commercial by utilizing modern engineering.Ex. Internet, intelligence documents short registry campaigners questioning scrutiny mentions and fabricating a occupation offer There are General Conditions when recruit an employee: 1. Ageless employee are employed by scrutiny merely. 2. Competitions are advertised on our enlisting web site in official Vacancy notices. 3. The choice process consists of three phases: a preliminary choice, a written scrutiny and an interview. The campaigners who are meets with the requments, in the organisation will acquire higher Markss. And will be name for a 2nd interview. All interviewees obtain a written answer by electronic mail or missive, one or the other optimistic or unwanted, after each phase of the choice process.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Preventing Evil and Spiritual Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Preventing Evil and Spiritual Leadership - Essay Example These ethical principles make spiritual leadership different from all other forms of leadership. Â  Spiritual leadership helps to bring employees together with a common goal. It helps those involved to balance between workplace environments, which are stressful. In addition, employees are motivated to do their best, which leads to increased productivity. It also helps those involved to contribute positively, enables them to interact and brings a feeling of community hood within the workplace. Spiritual leadership abuse occurs when a leader tries to dominate, manipulate and control the subordinate by not giving a chance to air their views, ask questions or even to challenge their leadership. An organization can prevent this abuse by ensuring that members have a voice. Moreover, abuse can be prevented by not compromising members feeling while trying to meet their goals and ensure free communication within the workplace by eliminating fear (Fry, 2003, p.696). Â  Freeman, 2011 states that leadership effectiveness is measured by the ability to achieve an organizations goal.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Principal Perspective from Coaching Teachers lessons Thesis

Principal Perspective from Coaching Teachers lessons - Thesis Example 2.0 Introduction Leadership in education has been defined in a plethora of ways over the last decades and this accumulation of varied definitions serves to make the immense differences in opinions and discernment about school leadership more apparent. Historically, educational leadership was considered a means of support for teaching staff by heads of department, school principals, lead or master teachers, social workers, supervisors and education specialists (Sparks, 2002; Sledge & Morehead, 2006). During the twentieth century the role of school leaders has changed significantly, and as Suskavcevic & Blake (2001, p.2) point out, it has been ‘highly transformative’. They further claim that in the 1930s the primary role for principals was as ‘scientific manager’; in the 1940s it was as ‘democratic leader’; in the 1970s it was as ‘humanistic facilitator’; in the 1980s it became as ‘instructional leader’ (p.2) and currentl y it is as ‘transformational leader’ (p.4). ... To understand the concept of coaching, particularly instructional coaching 4. To determine the role of principal in association with instructional coaching 5. To determine how principals perceive their role in association with instructional coaching 3.0 Literature Review 3.1 What is school leadership? As far back as 1954, Mackenzie & Stephen considered the principal of a school to be the leader in terms of instruction (cited in Greenfield, 1987). They considered leadership to be a ‘natural accompaniment of the goal-seeking behavior of human beings’ (p.4), and that any pursuits undertaken by one teacher that assists in another teacher achieving their goal is an example of leadership. They further purport that leadership can be assumed by anyone considered as ‘having control and means’ of what others want (p.9) and that the concept is dynamic and thus forever changing rather than being constant (p.10). Wasley (1991, p. 64), on the other hand, claims leadership is ‘the ability to encourage colleagues to change, to do things they wouldn't ordinarily consider without the influence of the leader ’; whereas Bolman & Deal (1994) consider that every teacher is a leader. Kowalski (1995) adds to their argument and considers teacher leaders to be teachers who are authorized and given the power to make pertinent decisions that impact on educational processes and educational outcomes. Katzenmeyer & Moller (2001) disillusioned with school leadership, and after a comprehensive review of literature, past experiences, and discussion with principals and other educational leaders, arrived at the conclusion that the definition of educational leadership is evolving and that teachers who are

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge Essay

How does the artwork associated with the band Radiohead challenge common ideologies in today's society - Essay Example ther fields, to the existence of propaganda and publicity; further, many sociologists have been able to show -- without specific reference to socio-musical society -- that there is less tendency for the public to become a crowd than to be swallowed up by the mass’. In other words, the music offered to the public can cause severe damages to the social framework of a particular society. At a next level, the above relationship is being used in order to justify the close relationship between music and media particularly in the modern society. From another point of view, the assumption that music can influence the public regarding a particular issue can lead to the hypothesis that media have the power to control the music presenting through them ensuring the protection of the consumers especially of the teenagers from possible severe psychological consequences – although such an result can be differentiated in accordance with the character and the personal thoughts of the pe rson involved. In this way, it has been regarded as justifiable to think that ‘the public and the mass are intermingled, a consequence of mass communication media; these media must not be overlooked in any modern study of music, and have, in fact, led to considerably increased difficulty in the observation of contemporary collective behaviour with regard to music’ (Silbermann, 1963, 192). Current paper examines the relationship between the music and the media regarding a particular band, Radiohead, one of the most known rock bands in the international music industry. More specifically, the issue under examination is the challenge set by Radiohead (by their artwork) towards the common ideologies as they have been recognized and applied in all states around the world. In accordance with the views of Freeden (1996, 87) ideologies are ‘groupings of decontested political concepts; the mutual influence of these concepts is paramountly affected by the specific morphologi cal arrangements that

Monday, October 28, 2019

White Privilege in American Society Essay Example for Free

White Privilege in American Society Essay Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. Privilege is the greatest enemy of equality. This quote from a noted Austrian novelist, Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, perhaps describes the harm of white privilege on American society. By its very definition privilege is a grace bestowed on one over another (Webster, 2006). In that sense, privilege is in and of itself an opposition to equality. In racial terms, if one group has been historically privileged over another, there will never be equality between the groups until a catastrophic new beginning can occur removing all trace of the bestowed privilege. White American privilege is the result of a country developing around a racially charged society featuring whites on top. Since the inception of colonial America, Whites heeded themselves as the superior race. This is seen evident through the submission and elimination of the Native Americans as well as most directly in the institution of slavery. As the nation of riches began to develop, and the American Dream came into fruition, nonwhites were left out of any chance to profit. Skip ahead to present day and we see a nation that has made drastic leaps toward social equality between races, but still struggles with remnants of the past. Simply put, white privilege is the social advantage given to whites through wealth and power that nonwhites never had the opportunity to earn. Despite all of societys strides toward racial equality, how do you equalize the advantages one group has had over another? The most obvious advantage today is that of wealth. White Americans have had greater opportunity for previous generations to accumulate and pass on wealth to todays members, whereas nonwhite Americans were historically denied the opportunity to do so. Specific cases include the subjugation of a race with Native Americans, the enslavement of race as seen with Black Americans, and the fleecing of a race as seen with Japanese Americans. However, perhaps most prevalent, but certainly not obvious is the power that White Privilege bestows to White Americans. In a society being controlled by white Americans, it is natural for that society to show a bias toward whites. This bias manifests itself through legislation, opportunities and within the very fabric of society itself. However prevalent its effects might be, White Privilege seems nonexistent to those who benefit from it (McIntosh, 1989). In modern American society, as a nation that has existed with White Privilege, it is commonplace and goes by unnoticed to white Americans. Among its subtle manifestations, but arguably the most relevant, is the fact that actions committed by a white individual are attributed to that individual and very seldom to their race, whereas, actions committed by nonwhites are usually viewed as stereotypical of their race, even if those actions are in fact atypical. It is in these subtleties that the often made argument that disenfranchised white Americans do not benefit from the effects of White Privilege is proved inaccurate. The factor of wealth only gives a reason as to why white privilege exists. The fact that all but a very small percentage of wealthy Americans are white correlates to that fact that all but a very small percentage of Americans in power are white. The bias and controlling interest exerted by this white power majority is apparent through all aspects of American government. As described in The Coming White Majority a black man recalls coming to America, he quotes, We came here as Africans, but no one called us Africans. They called us Negroes (Maharidge, 1996). White Privilege is a phenomenon that cannot directly be undone. As discussed the underlying causes of White Privilege exist in the mindset and power structure of American society. Perhaps most conceivable would be to begin by diversifying the power structure of the government. However, as has been proven many times in American government, politics are won through financial support. So for this reason, we look again to wealth and must focus on equalizing the wealth of the nation. If, through these steps, we engineer a social system that has power equally distributed among races, there still remains the perceived power created by societal mindset. Unlike tangible aspects of government office and wealth, how can we conceivable attempt to change the minds of an entire society of people (Bonilla-Silva, 2006). It can be presumed that the only way to begin to undertake this task is through education. Contrary to popular belief, race cannot be ignored. Race education will help to educate both white Americans to be aware of phenomenon such as White Privilege, and to help educate nonwhite Americans in what to expect living in a society filled with White Privilege. As discussed, White Privilege is a permeating factor of American society and its effects slowly widen the riff between white and nonwhite Americans. However, although difficult, it is possible to begin to overcome the effects granted by White Privilege. Ignoring nonrealistic way such as a mass racial equalizing of wealth and power, the first step is to educate both sides of society in race relations throughout. After all, as has been coined may times, education and understanding are the end all of strife and despair. Works Cited Webster. Websters Dictionary. 2006 McIntosh, P. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Peace and Freedom. July 1989. Maharidge, D. The Coming White Minority. Random House Inc, 1996. Bonilla-Silva, E. Racialized Social System Approach to Racism, in Gallagher, Charles. Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.